Chapter 41

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Fun fact: Minato really likes opera 😌 (and K-pop lol)

No ones POV

Kokichi had fallen asleep on one of the hospital chairs. Kai, was unconscious and looked over at her, then the clock which read 7:01 am. He yawned, his head hurt like hell. The room was dark with a little shine of sun peek from the clouds outside. He heard his mother move slightly uncomfortably. She ended up waking, Kokichi saw Kai looking at her. Oumas eyes sparkled. "Kai." She said in a soft voice the hot up and waddled over to him.

"Good morning mom." He rubbed his eyes. "How are you feeling?" Kokichi asked in a concerned voice, Kai nodded, "Yeah, my head just hurts a little." Kai whispered. "You need rest, lay down." Kokichi demanded, Kai does what his mother tells him and lays his head down on the pillow. "Is Minato and dad at home?" Kai asked looking up at Kokichi. "Yeah.." She rubs her head. "Oh okay." Kai looks up at the ceiling.

Kokichi's phone then rang. It was Shuichi, 'Aw Shu Shu's worried about me.' Kokichi thought to herself and answered. "Hello." She greeted. "Good morning Kichi, how are you doing? It's Kai awake?" Shuichi asked in a sleepy tone. "I'm okay! I told you Im a big girl! And Kai's awake." She giggled. "Okay okay I get it." Shuichi mumbled. "Is that dad?" Kai asked. Kokichi nodded, then gave Kai the phone.

"Hey dad." Kai greeted, "Hello Kai, how are you feeling?" Shuichi asked, "I feel better, just a little headache." Kai rubbed his head. "Oh okay-." "Hi Kai!" Minato yanked the phone away from Shuichi to talk to Kai. "Oh- uh Hey Minato." Kai rolled his eyes. "Hey I hope you don't mind that I slept in your bed, also are you feeling better?" Minato smiled. "I'm fine." Kai was growing tired of answering that question.

Time skippy

Kai was laying on his bed, Minato was on the floor writing stuff down on a piece of paper with a blue crayon. He seemed very focused. "What are you doing Min?" Kai looked down at Minato. "I'm plotting murder.." He whispered. "What?" Kai looked concerned and confused. "I said I'm plotting murder." He said like it wasn't a big deal. "Why?" Kai looked at Minato like he was crazy, which he was. "Because! Just because, now let me concentrate this needs to be perfect so I can get away with it.." Minato whispered and kept writing.

"But- Who?" Kai panicked. "A bitch." Minato snapped his crayon. He frowned the grabbed another crayon from a box that was conveniently there. "Anyone can be a bitch be specific." Kai mumbled. "Okay, its Yuki's girlfriend." Minato said in a low angry voice. "What." Kai went blue. "Yeah, now shut the fuck up so I can do this." Minato glared at Kai. "O-Okay." Kai turned the other way. Kai doesn't know if he's being serious or not, 'wait is he actually planing on killing her-.'

Kai quickly got up and snatched the paper from Minato, he read it, more like looked at the chaos.

Kai quickly got up and snatched the paper from Minato, he read it, more like looked at the chaos

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"What the hell is this?" Kai asked. "Hey! Give that back!" Minato whined. "You're a literal child Minato." Kai shook his head and handed the piece of paper back to Minato. "Well, I'm 2 years older than you! So you're the child here!" Minato defended himself. "Yeah, but at least I don't act like one." Kai rolled his eyes. Minato huffed. 'I don't think he's actually going to do it, so I shouldn't be that worried.' Kai thought to himself.

"Your mean." Minato sat back down on the floor and continued to draw on another piece of paper. Kai left the room and got some water, Kokichi was on the couch sleeping, while Shuichi was watching tv next to her. Kai wanted to ask a question but decided to tell later, he needs to supervise Minato. He noticed Shuichi was crying, Kai got confused until Shuichi said, "Why did the band have to split up." Shuichi cried. Kai realized Shuichi was crying over My chemical romance again.

Yes again.

Kai rolled his eyes and went back into his room, but Minato wasn't there. "Wha- where the hell did he go? I've been gone for 3 minutes." Kai grumbled. He looked around, in the bathroom, the closet, under his bed. But no Minato. He peeked out the window, and saw Minato running around. He seems to be going some where. Kai looked down and saw a small piece of paper on the floor.

Kai, I stole some money from you I'll pay you back one day. I'm going to the store, so I can get the supplies I need see you later! (• •) ❤︎

Kai shook his head, wait- how much money did he take-. Kai went over to his nightstand and checked his wallet, "only 10 bucks, that's not that much." Kai mumbled, then closed the drawer. Sadly Minato doesn't have a phone so Kai can't just call him, he sighs. Kai lays down on his bed to take a nap.

Time skippy

It was late, 10 pm. Kai had just woken from his nap, but he saw how dark it was so he was going to go back to sleep. Until he heard noise at the window. Minato was home, "Min?" Kai whispered, Minato looked at Kai, he was under the covers his hair was messy he looked tired. "Hi." Minato said in his normal voice which was low and deep. "Where'd you go?" Kai sat up rubbing his eye. Minato didn't answer but walked into the bathroom.

Kai noticed the neon on Minato's hands and face. Kai got up in curiosity and walked to the bathroom, "Min?" Kai opened the door slightly, "Yeah?" Minato looked over, "Y-You didn't answer my question.." Kai looked at the sink in fear but hid it. "I thought you would know, I told you I was planning murder, did you not believe me?" Minato frowned. "No!" Kai panicked, "MINATO WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Kai yelled in fear.

"Kai don't yell." Minato shook his head. "W-Why...?" Kai whispered. "She hurt you I haven't gotten a good kill in years, and this was an opportunity I couldn't miss!" Minato yelled. "But murder is wrong!" Kai cried. "So? It entertains me!" Minato grumbled and washed his hands. "So what if it entertains you! What of someone finds out, you could go to jail or worse!" Kai walked over to Minato and hugged his arm.

"Please, don't do that again." Kai sobbed. "I'm sorry." Minato frowned. "I didn't think you cared that much." Minato shrugged. "Of course I care idiot, be only known you for a week but I feel like it's been longer." Kai whispered, he looked up at Minato. Kai had tears in his eyes his eyes were puffy. "Don't cry Kai." Minato wiped Kai's tears.

Kai cares about me

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