Chapter 25

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No one's POV

Kai and Yuki had spent the whole weekend together, they just played video games, built a fort and went to the park. Kai had just got out of bed and was putting on his uniform for school. He left his room once he was done and saw his mother making scrambled eggs. "Good morning Kai." Kokichi looked up from the stove. "Good morning mom." He greeted back. "Your plate is on the table." Kokichi pointed to the dining room table where his plate of eggs and bacon was found, Kai nodded and sat down.

"Is dad already at work?" Kai asked he didn't see him and Shuichi usually leaves around 10AM. "Oh right, he has a important detective mission in Japan." Kokichi explained while sitting down with her plate of food in her hands. "When will he be back?" Kai took a bite out of his bacon. "I'm not sure." She looked down a little. "Aren't you gonna be lonely? I'm probably gonna spend more time with Yuki." Kai looked at her.

"That's fine, and I'm gonna be fine I mean I have Mochi!" Kokichi smiled at the dog who was sleeping in his fancy pet bed. "Yeah okay." Kai knew she wasn't gonna talk to a dog for atua knows how long. "Anyways, here Shu Shu wanted me to give you this." Kokichi smiled. "What's up with your nicknames for dad?" Kai looked at her a with a 'are you serious' face. "Shut up and take it." Kokichi glared at him. "Sorry." He took the small box from her small hands.

He opens it to see a note that read. 'Your mother probably told you this already but I will be on a business trip in Tokyo so I won't be home for a while, but I just wanted to tell you that I put locks on your window so you won't sneak people in or sneak out. I also put a alarm if you try to sneak out. So don't try anything, I did this because I know your mother won't pay a lot of attention to you at the moment. -love your caring amazing father.' Kai glared at the note. "Yeah fuck you too dad." He rolled his eyes. Kokichi giggled.

"So I can't have Yuki over?" Kai asked. "You can but I have know, sowwy Kai!" Kokichi patted Kai's head just to be annoying. "Stop that!" Kai smacked her hand away. Kokichi squeaked. That caused Mochi to wake up and start barking. "Dammit." Kai cover his ears. "Ooh Mochi! Stop barking it's okay! Kai was just being a bully like always." Kokichi hugged the dog. Mochi stopped barking.

Kai got up and walked to his room to put his shoes on and get his things for school. "Bye mom." Kai waved about to leave to house. "Bye Kai! Don't do anything that will get your ass beat!" Kokichi waved back. Kai got the hell up out of there, and walked to school. "Hey Kai." Yuki ran up behind him. "Hey Yuki." Kai greeted back. "I had fun on the weekend." Yuki smiled. "That's good." Kai looked away, Yuki was getting a little too close to his face.

"At lunch wanna go to that tree house?" Yuki suggested. "No thanks, I'm not trying to fall again." Kai mumbled. "Oh alright so at the same tree as always?" Yuki asked. "Yeah." They both walked to school. "Hey I feel like you've been more nicer to me." Yuki pointed out. "Have I? Wow." Kai finished putting his thing in his locker. "Yeah! I kinda like when you're kind and clingy." Yuki had the happiest smile on his face.

Kai looked away. Maybe just maybe he had feeling for the dork, Actually Kai likes him a lot probably more than Yuki himself, he's just not that good at showing it. Kai developed these feelings once they met, he didn't know that he liked him he was just interested in him. He didn't think he was interested in a romantic way.

Time skippy (I really wanna write this part, so large time skip)

One month has pasted and Kai and Yuki had been hanging out literally every day. They were currently and Yuki's house in a front talking about what to do on the days where the school is under construction. I don't know they were updating it or something. "Hey let's feed those abandoned cat in that random ally way in between the drug store and gay strip club." Yuki suggested.

"I really don't wanna get raped in a ally way Yuki." Kai crossed his arms. "Who said you were gonna get raped?" Yuki asked. "Uh I don't know the fact you wanna go to an ally way, where any body could be. There's a drug store right next to it! And a strip club! Use your brain that you have!" Kai glared at Yuki. "Okay okay sorry." Yuki looked down. Yuki was quite nervous at the moment, he was going to confess his long lasting love to Kai.

He was scared if he would get rejected, but he always thought Kai would never want to date him. "What's wrong?" Kai looked at him while fiddling with some of Yuki's hair clips. "U-Uh nothing." Yuki mumbled trying to ignore eye contact with the other. "Don't lie to me, you know I know everything." Kai glared at Yuki making him jump. "Yeah! I know that. It's nothing don't worry about." Yuki had given up, this was never gonna work out.

"You wanna confess your love to me don't you?" Kai said it so causally. "W-What? Damn." Yuki should've seen this coming, Kai was very intelligent and was amazing at predicting things. "I'll be your boyfriend." Yuki shot his up in shock. "Damn bitch I thought you were good at manipulating people, your really bad at that it was pretty easy to tell." Kai rolled his eyes.

'Well that was easy- WAIT KAI WANTS GO BE MY BOYFRIEND 😱😱😱 OMG AAAAAAAAA THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER YES I LOVE YOU KAI THANK YOU ATUA I FUCKING LOVE YOU-.' "Uh are you okay? Actually never mind you're never okay." Kai shrugged. "So are we dating? This feels like it was to easy.." Yuki was kinda puzzled at this point. "Yes, we are dating now." Kai said with a blank face.

"Are you sure? You won't look like you're being honest." Yuki fiddled with his fingers. Had he been tricked? Yuki was growing upset. "Yes I'm being serious." Yuki swore he saw a tint of pink on Kai's cheeks. Kai crawled over next to Yuki and rested his head on his shoulder. Kai was a blushing disaster, so was Yuki. 'Damn this is awkward.' Kai thought.

"So like do you wanna kiss or cuddle? Maybe we could get in bed uh.." Yuki wasn't sure what to do now. "Cuddling sounds nice, but don't be weird." Kai pushed Yuki on the ground and hugged his torso, Yuki hugged back still kinda dazed by what just happened. Kai started humming the song sweater weather by The Neighbourhood. Yuki hummed along with him. Until they god FUCKING INTERRUPTED BY KAI'S PHONE RINGING GOD DAMMIT KOKICHI.

"Yes." Kai groaned in irritation. "Just checking up on you hehe." Kokichi giggled. "I'm fine bye-." "What are you doing right now?" Kokchi asked cutting off Kai in the process. "Me and Yuki are just talking." Kai rubbed his temples wanting to get back to cuddling with Yuki. "Well damn okay sorry for interrupting you, bye, also be home by 8." "Bye." Kai hung up and immediately got back into Yuki's arms. "What time is it?" Yuki asked. "5:38pm now shut up." Kai responded and nuzzled his chest.

This is good, this is gonna be a happy forever lasting relationship yes yes it will

Lmao but I can't promise you everything


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