Chapter 8

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Shuichi's POV

I can't sleep. I thought to myself, looking up at the ceiling. I get out of bed to get a glass of water. After getting up I hear Kokichi shuffle in her sleep. I continue to walk to the door, I get to the small kitchen and grab a cup from a cabinet. I haven't been doing any detective work lately, I'll catch up on that I guess.

I take a sip of my water and walk over to my desk. I sit down and turn on my laptop to do some work. (I'm making Shuichi a workaholic lol) I also set my cup down on my desk and start doing whatever work has to be done. (no clue what detectives do).

Kokichi's POV

I wake up from hearing the floor creaking. I look over to the other side of the bed, to see that Shuichi wasn't there. Where'd he go? I throw the covers off of me and get out of bed. I walk to the door seeing a small bright light coming from the corner of the apartment. I walk over rubbing my left eye. I see Shuichi sitting at his desk working.

"Shuichi...what are you doing up so late?" I mumbled walking closer to him. "Nothing..." He mumbled not looking away from the bright screen. "Shuichi, you need to get some sleep." I tapped his shoulder a few times. "Mhm." He hummed still not looking away from his laptop. "What are you even doing anyway." I asked looking at the screen, which kinda hurt my eyes.

Shuichi didn't say anything. "You shouldn't be in the dark with such a bright light...It'll hurt your eyes." I stated, he just nodded. "Shuichi are you even listening!?" I yelled in my whisper, not wanted to wake up the baby. "I am." He said finally looking away from the screen. "It's 2 in the morning, come on let's get back to sleep." I told him.

"You can go back to sleep, I need to do this." He said looking back at his laptop. "You can do that later. Right now you need sleep." I said turning off his computer. "H-hey!" "Shh! The baby's sleeping!" I hissed grabbed him by the hair pulling up off of his work chair. I pulled him back into the bedroom. "Let go!" He whined as I throw him on the bed.

He rubbed his head which probably hurt. "Why'd you do that?" He whispered. "Because you need sleep, you can do your work later." I said walking to the other side of the bed. I turn on a lamp "ow.." he said, pretty sure it stung his eyes. I look over at him. He had dark bags under his eyes. I grab his face to have a better look, he looked tired-of course he is!

"Ok Shuichi, please go to sleep." I told him as he looked at the bed sheets. "But I'm not tire-." "Don't start that what are you 7!" I hit him on the head. "Ow! Ok sorry.." I turn the lamp off, now it's pitch black. "Night Shuichi..." I say "night..." he mumbled.

Time skippy 🌚

This situation has been going on for at least a week. Shuichi hasn't been wanting to got to sleep manly wanting to work 24/7, it's quite annoying. I do care for his health, I'm making him take naps during the day. He always refuses, so I tug on his ahoge until he gets annoyed.

Shuichi and Kai are sleeping at the moment, I'm on the couch watching Tv (what's Kokichi watching? Idk probably magic school bus) I have a cramp right now, feels like hell, why do they hurt so much!? I'm probably gonna get my period again, I hate periods (Same)

I get up to use the bathroom, knowing I'm gonna have to wake up Shuichi so we can go to the store to get pads. Yeah, tampons are a no. I do my business and get out. I then check on Kai, who was awake waving his small hands in the air. I walk over to the crib and pick up the infant. "Why hello there." I smile, he stares probably into my soul. I walk back to the living room and sit down with the baby in my hands.

He grabs a piece of my hair and plays with it. I go back to watching Tv, I don't mind if he puts my hair in his mouth, I shower everyday and today I have to anyway. I feel him hit my shoulder, he then points at my chest. I sigh. After feeding him I hear Shuichi's bedroom door open. I think he's awake. "Hey..." He mumbled rubbing his eye, "hey Shuichi." I said fixing up my shirt.

"Hey can we go to the store today?" I asked as he sits down next me. "Yeah sure, what do you need?" He asked "yeah Ithink I'm gonna start my period again." I explained, he nodded. I'm surprised he didn't get uncomfortable, he seems like the type that gets uncomfortable when it comes to girls and there business. Shuichi is very sweet though.

I realized how much I want a hug and that I really want to kiss a girl rn. But I'm single, haha lucky me 😢✌️

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