Chapter 28

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No ones POV

It's been a month since Kai and Yuki had broken up, but Kai still could get rid of the feelings for the taller boy. He was in his room getting ready for school, he put on his uniform and went to eat breakfast. Though, Kai didn't eat much of it which concerned Kokichi and Shuichi. Kokichi noticed he hasn't been eating much lately. He's been more tired when he comes home from school.

She would try to talk to him about it but he would ignore the questions and change the topic. Kai wasn't comfortable talking about what's going on at school. He doesn't wanna tell him parents about his break up, or that he's suffering from loneliness. He doesn't wanna tell them why his grade are getting lower. He doesn't wanna tell the what other boys do to him in the bathrooms. He was scared so he shrugged it off.

Kai left the table and put his shoes on. Then grabbed his backpack and left the house. "Bye Kai.." Kokichi waved, but he had already left. She frowned, then turned to Shuichi who was also looking a bit upset. "Shu Shu, what do think is wrong with Kai?" Kokichi asked sitting down next to him. "I'm not sure, it obviously something at school but I can't put my finger on it." He thought hard.

"We haven't heard anything from Yuki, maybe something happened between them." Kokichi put her thumb on her chin. "You think they broke up? It's all I could think of." Shuichi responded. "But why?" Kokichi looked sad, she didn't like how her son was acting, so sad and depressed. "They looked so happy why would they break up?" Kokichi asked. "If that is the case, we need to ask Yuki because Kai isn't gonna talk." Shuichi mumbled.

"Okay." Kokichi smiled in beliefs finding out what's wrong with Kai.

Kai was in his English class at the moment. He watched as Yuki was passing notes to a girl. He frowned at the sight. Kai trying ignore it and just listened to his teacher. He played with his pencil twirling it in his hands. "Kai Saihara, are you listening?" The old lady said fairly loudly. "Y-Yes ma'am." He responded putting his pencil down. He earned some chuckles from the other students.

The teacher went back to teaching, Kai sighed then got hit with a paper ball. He groaned as his classmates laughed at him. Even Yuki. Kai put his head down and softly cried. But no one noticed. Kai hated being in school now, its lonely and he keeps getting sexually harassed by other boys in his school. Always at lunch he would get pulled back into the boys bathrooms.

He wiped his eyes and looked up at the front of the class. Once English class ended he got up and walked as fast as he could before someone could get to him. He went outside and sat down next to a tree, the tree Yuki and him would always sit at for lunch. He hugged his knees. He was minding his own business until he heard a group of people. They were walking in the direction of the tree Kai was at.

Kai panicked and climbed the tree, why did he do that? Now he's stuck. There were many leaves in the tree so no ones could see him. But how was he supposed to get down? He started sweating. And hugged himself. He looked down and say the group sit down. He saw Yuki with other people. He watched as a girl sat in Yuki's lap. All the color drained from his face. Yuki looked so happy, he had friends and a girlfriend. Wow Yuki really got over the break up.

This hurt Kai even more than it before. He panicked again and fell off the tree. Luckily no one noticed. He got up and ran to the bathroom and cried. He hates this so much. He realized that he had a cut on his arm from a tree branch. He smiled for some reason. He stared at it then left the stall and washed the blood off his arm. He then walked to the nurses office to get a bandage.

He then left the office, the bell rang. He sighed and walked to his next class. "You're late Mr. Saihara." His teacher said sternly. "Sorry sir." He replied and walked to his desk. Of course some students laughed at him like always. He rolled his eyes and ignored them. After school ended he walked to the store really quick. He just wanted to get something.

Once he got home, Kokichi looked up at him. "Kai, why are you home so late?" She said in worry. "I left something at school so I went back to get it." He lied. Kokichi gave him a 'I'm not buying it look' but she shrugged it off. "Okay." She hummed looking at the TV. Kai walked to his room and opened his backpack where he put the thing he bought from the store.

A pocket knife.

He smiled at it, then grabbed bandages from the same bag and walked to the bathroom. He closed the door and locked it.

Tw. Cutting, self harm. This will mean when it's over if you don't want to read.

Kai pulled his sleeve down and looked at his pale skin. He opens the blade and looks at his reflection. He pressed knife on his skin and watched as the blood appeared. He softly cried as he continued to cut through his skin, it hurt, but it felt nice at the same time. Once Kai stopped he stared at his arm. It was dripping in blood and it hurt a lot. Kai cleaned it and bandaged his arm.

✅ He looked at himself in the mirror. He was so disappointed in himself. He went back to his room and laid down on his bed. He then slowly drifted off to sleep.

Another large time skippy cause I am inpatient.

Kokichi and Shuichi have been getting terribly worried about their son, and that haven't heard anything from Yuki. Shuichi would try to talk to him but he refused to tell him. Kokichi would try as well but would get the same resolutes. At the moment they were at the store because Kai requested for some cookies. He told them to stop worrying about him and go together. Kokichi protested, but then gave up.

Kai was crying to himself. He was tired of being lonely, he was tired of Yuki bing with some else. He was tired of being used for boys sexual desires. He wanted it all to stop. He wanted the pain to go away. He sighed and got up from the floor.

Kokichi and Shuichi were almost home, they had a couple of bags with them. Once they got home Kokichi said, "Kai we're home!" Silence. "He's probably sleeping." Shuichi told her. "Oh, I'll just leave him his cookies in his room then." Kokichi replied and skipped to Kai's room. Shuichi put the bags on on the counter top, then he heard a scream coming from Kokichi.

Tw. Sewer side 🥲 Hanging out on the ceiling.

Shuichi ran over to Kokichi. "What wrong- OH MY GOD!" Shuichi stared at Kai's hanging body dangling from the ceiling. Kokichi was crying her eyes out at the sight. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Kokichi yelled at Shuichi he grabbed his phone and called the ambulance, telling them about their situation.

Shuichi was trying to calm down Kokichi, telling her he's going to make it. But Kokichi would just cry even louder. Once the ambulance came they rushed in and took Kai from home putting him a hospital bed and taking him away from home. Kokichi cried while hugging Shuichi, one of the police men talked with Saihara and told him to figure out why this happened.

Kokichi held tightly on Shuichi as he walked back inside to investigate Kai's room. It was messy. Shuichi found a pocket knife under his bed that was stained with pink blood. Kokichi hid her face in his shoulder. Shuichi kept looking and found a picture of Yuki and Kai, it was in the trash. Shuichi found more empty cookie packages on the floor, bloody bandages and tissues. Shuichi frowned. 'It's clear that he's been cutting, and crying. But why?'

What's going on with Kai?

I realized how stupid this book got lmao

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