Chapter 29

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Kai's POV yeah he doesn't die I wouldn't do that to you guys. Also Tw. Mentions of hanging, sewer side. R@pe

I woke up in a white room, is this heaven? Until I saw a doctor. Dammit it's not heaven. I heard the doctor tell another person which I believe is another doctor in the room "he's awake!" My vision was blurry. And I didn't know what was going on. All I remember was that I hanged myself hoping I died. Welp, I should've known my parents wouldn't let me die that easily.

Once my eye adjusted to the lights in the room. I saw that I had tubes connected to me. My head hurts. The doctor walked up to me and said, "I'm glad you're awake, your name is Kai Saihara and you are here because you attempted suicide." I guess that's was doctors do if patients are confused. "Do you remember anything at all?" The doctor asked me. "I-I remember crying, then I h-hung myself shortly after.." God, I sound terrible. My voice was scratchy and it hurt.

I watched as the doctor wrote something down on a notebook. "Do you hurt anywhere?" They asked, to many god damn questions can I just go to sleep or something? "M-My throat, and my h-head also my a-arms." I explained. They wrote what I said down in the same notebook. "Okay I'll let you rest." They then walked away. I stared at the ceiling, why did I do that again? Right because I was being a baby about how Yuki broke up with me, left me and got a girlfriend and friends.

Also because I turned into the schools slut. I grumbled to myself. I heard some voices outside
Of the door. All I could make out was, "Is he okay!?" And, "When can we see him?" It sounded like my mom and dad. I mean who else wound care about me? Then the door busted open, it was my mom whom was crying. "KAI!" She yelled and ran over to me and sobbed.

She grabbed my hand and pressed it against her face. "Kai! I was so worried! Why did you do that!? Please tell me! I don't want this to ever happen again!" She cried. "Kichi, calm down." Dad patted her on the shoulder. "Your not supposed to be yelling." He mumbled in worry of getting in trouble. "Shut up Shuichi! Kai could have died and your more worried about getting in trouble!" She glared at him.

"Wha- I am worried about Kai, I don't want you to be yelling because you might scare him, he just woke up." He explained. "Hmp!" She huffed and crossed her arms. "Anyways, Kai how are you feeling?" My dad asked. "I-I'm fine.." I mumbled with my ill sounding voice. "Kai." He said. It then got dead ass silent. "Please, tell us what's going on, we just want to help you." He frowned. "We don't this to happen again Kai, we don't like it when your upset." Kokichi sniffed.

"Is it about Yuki? Something happening at school?" Shuichi asked. "O-One of the reasons include Y-Yuki, and y-yes there's something h-happening at s-school." I stated. "Tell us!" Kokichi was growing inpatient. "Calm down." Shuichi told her. "M-me and Y-Yuki broke up, a-and he's  even ignoring me, he l-left me all a-alone. He has f-friends now and a g-girlfriend. It h-hurts s-seeing him with o-other people." I was trying so hard not to cry.

"A-And since then, I've been a-alone no o-one to protect m-me, I would get raped or worse." I stared to have a breakdown. "Kai..." Kokichi frowned. "Visiting times are over." A doctor announced. "Okay. Kai, everything's gonna be okay, stay strong." My dad reassured me. "Bye bye Kai, we'll see you tomorrow." My mom waved, then they left the room. I sniffed and wiped my tears away.

Kokichi's POV

Me and Shuichi were driving home. I was strongly upset, the. I remembered. "Shumai, can we stop by Yuki's apartment? I have something I need to do." I said innocently. "Fine." He sighed. Once we got there, I unbuckled my seat belt. "Just don't hurt him to much that he has to go to the hospital." Shuichi looked at her. "Oki doki!" I then got out the car and knocked on Yuki's door.

I rocked on my knees waiting for Yuki to open the door. The door opened, to a 6.2 tall boy with black hair covering his right eye. "Miss. Ouma, what are you doing here?" He asked. "I just wanted to talk to you for a moment." I smiled. He nodded in confusion and let me in. Surprisingly it was fairly neat in the living room.

"So what did you wanna talk ab- OW WHAT THE-." I slammed him on the floor, luckily he lives on the first floor so I don't have to worry about the noise. I stood on his back, then stepped on his head. "Okay Yuki, get ready for the beating of your life." I smiled brightly. "What did I do!?" He asked delusional. "You hurt Kai! He's in the hospital now for YOUR ACTIONS."

Time skippy, yeah Yuki got beat the fuck up.

"Hi Shu!" I got back into the car and buckled my seat belt. "How'd it go?" Shumai asked putting his phone down. "It went well, I didn't do to much damage." I smiled innocently. "Okay, I just got don't suing Kai's College." Shumai replied. "We're such good parents!" I say, No absolutely not." Shuichi denied. "Yeah your right." I agree.

We got home, I was still upset about Kai. I just want him to be happy, not sad I can't stand that. So I hold Shumais hand as we walk inside. I frowned at how lonely and quiet it was. Well no that quiet, Mochi (yes the dog is still alive) was snoring as he slept in his old pet bed. I skip over to it and pet him softly.

"I'll make diner tonight Kokichi okay?" Shumai said. "Okay that's fine." I smile. He smiled back and walked to the kitchen.

No ones POV

Yuki got up off the floor shortly after Kokichi left, his left leg hurt, he has a black eye. And a couple of bruises. He never thought he'd get beat up by a woman in their late 40s. He wen ton to the bathroom and bandaged himself up. He sat down on his couch and relaxed for a moment. Until his front door opened. Yuki whipped his head up to see a 6.4 tall man stand at his door way. His eyes widened in shock.

It was his brother he hadn't seen in 6 years.

Read my comment if you already read this chapter—>

Gasp! A new character (or Kai's new love interest)!? 😱😱😱

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