Kokichi's birthday

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This will take place when Kai was 7

Kai's POV

Today is Mama's birthday, she's gonna be 28 years old. Wow she's old, I wonder what I should do for her.. I'm gonna draw her a picture! But what should I draw for mama? Hmmm she seems to be very clingy to dada recently, and they always make a lot of noise at night maybe just watching Tv, wait they don't have a Tv in their room. Anyways I should draw them together. Yeah mama would like that, she better. "Where are my crayons?" I say looking around my messy room, I need to clean it all of my barbies are on the floor. Oh no! My doctor Barbie's head is missing!

That's not important right now, I must make mama's present. I stubble to my toys shelf and find my crayon box, it's a tin box that has rainbows on it. "I need paper, I guess I could steal some from dada." I exit my room and look for dada's stack of papers. "Hmm, these are his important papers I can't use these." I mumbled to myself, and find a blank piece of paper. "Good, this will do." I grab the paper off of dada's work desk and walk to my small table.

"Okay! Let's start." I start doodling on the piece of paper. "Mama has to be short, cause she is short." I mumble. "And dada has to wear all black." I kept drawing and playing around with the colors. Until I was finally happy with it. "It's done!" I cheer and get up from my chair. "Mama! Mama!" I yell looking for her, I run up to her bedroom and open the door. "Mam-, Mama?" I stare at Mama, she had her head in between Dada's legs.

"A-Ah- Kai!" Dada panicked, he looks sweaty and red. "What are you guys doing?" I pointed. "N-Nothing hun! I was just uh tying your fathers shoes!" Mama stuttered, that was an obvious lie, but I guess she doesn't want me to know so I won't ask. "Do you need something?" Mama spoke up again. "Yes." I answer. "Well, what is it?" She smiles calmly. I walk over to her and hand her my present. "Happy birthday mama." I smile. "Aw Thank you Kai!" Mama kneeled and hugged me, I like mamas hugs they're always so gentle and warm.

"You're welcome." I bow. "Your so cute." She gave me a small kiss on the cheek, "Mama, what did dada get you for a present?" I asked generally curious, maybe he got her flowers, or chocolates, a dress maybe. "Oh uh, hey how about we go and eat some cake okay?" "You didn't answer my question." But she ignored me and lead me into the kitchen to eat cake.

"What kind of cake is it?" I asked looking at the decorations and frosting. "Grape." She started cutting a slice for I'm assuming her. Then she handed me a plate. "Mama, shouldn't we sing happy birthday first?" "Not in this family, it's always so awkward." She shook her head. "Oh okay." I take a bite of the cake, it was okay. "Happy birthday mama." I smile at her, "thank you Kai!" Mama patted my head.

Kai's pretty drawing Tehe

This chapter sucks 👺👺👺 anyways my late ass finally got a Instagram 💀💀 I will just post art and stuff so: crusty

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This chapter sucks 👺👺👺 anyways my late ass finally got a Instagram 💀💀 I will just post art and stuff so: crusty.pancakes

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