Chapter 16

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Large time skippy Kai's now 5 :)

Kokichi's POV

Since Kai is five now, he's s the appropriate age to go to school now. He's been saying he wants to take the bus to school, and he wanted to make friends. I would always explain to him it's not gonna be that easy though in the future. I don't want Kai to get bullied like I did, but he kept saying that he'll stay strong and try his best.

Shuichi wanted to get him into a private school, Kai didn't seem to like that idea. Nether did I. So he shortly agreed after. I let Kai and Shuichi go to the store for back to school shopping. I wanted to stay home for the day, I'm kinda tired. I also wanted Kai to have more time with his dad since he always ignores him. 

Kai's POV

I'm in the car with dada (yes he still calls him that.) He told me that we could go to my favorite store. Hot Topic, he agreed because he likes that store too. I was in the back kicking my short legs in the air. Dada said, when he was younger he would go there all the time. His friends always called him emo for that.

We finally made it to the mall, last time I came here I saw a really cool backpack I wanted. It was a rainbow backpack. (Do you get what I'm hinting at?) Dada grabbed my hand and looked at a price of paper. "What's that?" I asked getting on my tippy toes. "This is just a list for all the things you need." He looked down at me.

I nod, we walked into a shop, it was more of a craft store. I liked it. Many colors, it makes me smile. We walked towards the notebooks. Dada let me pick two that I wanted. So I chose a pastel pink, and hot pink a hello kitty notebook. I like hello kitty now, not Mickey but I still have my to from when I was a baby.

We walk over to the pencils, I said I wanted the colorful ones. So dada put the in bag along with my notebooks. I pointed at the erasers. I saw a bunny so I asked dada if it was okay to get it. He said yes of course, I feel spoiled, eh. We got more things that I needed. Then he paired for everything, I run out of the store. With dada behind me.

"Can we go!?" I asked jumping up in down in front of him. "Go where?" He asked confused. "To hot topic! I want to get a backpack from there." I said tugging on his sleeve. He sighed and nodded. I smile and reach up to grab his hand. We walk for a while, dada kept getting lost. Finally we made it, I race over to the back of the dark small store.

One of the workers greats us, dada waved as he followed me. I stop running and point at the backpack, it was bright and had swirls, it was colorful just how liked it, and it had gold glitter. (They probably don't sell this at hot topic. Mine is different and has more anime stuff lol.) "This one!" I tugged on his sleeve. He walked over and examined the backpack.

His eyes widened when he saw the price. "A-are you sure you want this one?" He sounded nervous. "Yes." I said in a stern tone. He awkwardly laughed and took the backpack of of the hanger. We went up to the cashier, and bought the backpack. We walked out, dada looked tired. "Thank you dada." I smile holding his hand tightly. "I'm glad you're happy.." he smiled back.

I get into my car seat, and dada gets into his seat. I already know how to buckle myself up. Dada starts the car and turns on the radio. I don't know any off the songs that were playing. They sounded hard core, I kinda liked it. I looked out the window, it was nice. It was cloudy and cold out today. I love that weather, cause it make people sad. I don't know why but it brings a smile to my face.

Does that make me a bad person? I don't like it when mama or dada is sad. But when it's other people I get a different feeling. I wonder why. I touch the windows cause they're cold. I like touch cold things. "Kai your making the windows dirty." Dada said looking at me from the mirror. I stop and look back the window. The scenery was once ruined again by my finger prints. I look down at my hands.

I look up, to see that the car had stopped. Dada unbuckled his seat belt, so did I. I waited for dada to open the door for me since I wasn't that strong. He opens the door and picks me up then sets me down on the drive way. I watch him grab the bags, then closing the door. "Come on Kai." He said patting head. I nod and follow him. We get inside, I see mama sleeping on the couch.

I run over to her, and look closer at her sleeping face. She was drooling, but she looked so peaceful. Wonder what's she dreaming about. I walk over to dada and snatch the bag out of his hand, I then run to my room so I could fantasize over it, it's just too pretty!

I made this lol

I made this lol

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