Chapter 34 👁👄👁

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Lol back to this bad story

No one's POV

Kai wakes up it was early, the sun was just rising. He got up from his bed and remembered he had someone in his room. Kai wanted to check on Minato so he got up and walked to his closet. He got on his knees and opened the small door. "Minato?" Kai whispered taking a peek, the large man was sleeping peacefully. In a very chaotic position but he was comfortable. Kai smiled to himself, he crawled away and closed the door quietly. Once Kai got up he looked at his clock. 5:58am. "It's early.." Kai mumbled. Kai walked out of his room and poked his head out. Everyone else was asleep. Kai went to the kitchen and looked up at the top of the fridge.

He saw a pack of Oreos. Since Kai was short he couldn't reach. He grabbed a step stool his mom uses cause she's very short. He stands up on it and reaches up for the pack. He eventually got a hold of it and walked out of the kitchen. "What are you doing with all those Oreos?" Kokichi came out of nowhere. "Wha-." Kai got startled. "Nothing- wow you look awful.." Kai pointed at her. Her hair was messy and she had light bags under her eyes. "That's none of your business." Kokichi ignored the question. "Then don't ask me why I have these cookies then it's not your business either." Kai mocked.

"Kai! Your not allowed to have that many sweats." Kokichi then snatched the pack of Oreos from Kai. "Hey! I'm hungry!" Kai pouted. Kokichi stuck her tongue out at him, she then walked into the kitchen and put the Oreos back. "Go back to sleep, it's early." Kokichi yawned. "Fine." Kai walked back into his room closing the door behind him. Kai sat on his bed, since he was already awake he's not going back to sleep. "What now?" Kai whispered.

He then felt a hand roughly grab his ankle. "Wha-!" "Hi!" The person under his bed giggled, oh look it was Minato. "Why did you do that!?" Kai whispered in his yells. "You scared the living shit out of me!" Kai furrowed is eyebrows. "Oh, sorry..." Minato apologized. "Hey, you kinda stink." Kai said covering his nose. "Well I haven't showered in a long time.." Minato confessed. "You should shower, I think I have some of my dads old clothes.." Kai mumbled.

"But, I don't want my parents getting suspicious. I have to take a shower today too.. Let's just take one together." Kai shrugged. "Oh oka- Wait... t-together?" Minato blushed. "Yeah, I'm used to seeing naked people it's fine." Kai got up and went through his closet. "B-But I haven't." Minato awkwardly mumbled. "You'll be fine just close your eyes." Kai explained. "O-Okay whatever you say.." Minato gave in. "Here you can put this on." Kai said handing him Shuichis old clothes from when he was in High school.

A black shirt with the character Kyoko Kirigiri. Then black ripped up jeans. "Ooo, is this Kirigiri-San?" Minato asked clearly familiar with the character. "Yeah, my dad was obsessed with her in his freshman year of high school." Kai explained as he got clothes for himself. "Come on." Kai walked to the bathroom. "Mm, okay.." Minato was nervous and walked behind him. Kai looked at Minato for a minute then turned back around and took his shirt off.

Once they both had no clothes on Kai turned the shower on. Minato was instructed to get in, he had his eyes covered because he didn't want to make the other uncomfortable even though Kai said it was fine. Kai sighed and grabbed the others hand from his eyes. "Wh-." "Just get in the shower." Kai demanded. "O-Okay!" Minato blushed and got in. Kai got in the shower as well and closed the shower curtain. Minato silently looked around. "Can you pass me the shampoo?" Kai asked holding his hand out. "Oh, yeah." He handed him a bottle of soap. "This is conditioner, the other bottle." Kai handed him back the bottle. "Sorry.." Minato then handled him the other bottle of soap.

"Thank you." Kai then opened the bottle and put some on his hand. He scrubbed his scalp and washed it out. "Here." Kai handed him the shampoo for him to use. So Minato took it and washed his hair with the soap. Afterwards, the two got out of the shower. Kai threw Minato a towel. So he rapped it around his waist. "I never showered with anyone before.. Wow I accomplished something!" Minato smiled. "That's not really an accomplishment, but do you." Kai shrugged as he dried himself off.

Minato blushed as he watched the other. "Aren't you gonna dry yourself?" Kai looked over at the other. "Ah! Sorry." Minato grew flustered and dried his hair. After a weird silence and Kai complementing Minato's dick size. They both got changed. Minato sat in the small room Kai gave him to stay. He was clearly embarrassed. Kai crawled back in with a plate of pancakes and bacon. "I asked my mom if I could get extra, here." Kai handed him the plate of food for him to eat. "Thank you Kai!" Minato smiled brightly and took the food happily.

"I can't remember the last time I had pancakes! They always serve us gross food at my hospital." Minato grumbled. "You don't feel uncomfortable talking about that?" Kai asked the other. "No not really, I'm a very open person and I don't really care about conciseness that much.." Minato explained. "I can tell." Kai mumbled. "It's only certain things!" Minato chuckled. "You act a lot like Yuki, just more open and honest." Kai said to the other. "Really? I always thought we were total opposites." Minato said.

"You two literally look alike, except you have your hair slicked back on the right, Yuki has his hair behind his ear. You both also have that weird emo hair where it cover your eye, your is on the left Yuki's is on the right. Also the eye color is the same." Kai pointed out. "Yeah but that's just looks, I'm more pushy then him and I don't care often at times. I'm also more honest then him! I would never trick anyone with my acting skills, actually I'm bad at acting so it would work anyway." Minato explained. "Okay, okay. I get it. Your more of an idiot then Yuki." Kai said. "What- No I'm more smarter than him! I mean I did school at my hospital but I'm still smart!." Minato protested.

"Yeah but Yuki goes to Hopes peek collage, they have better education their than other school's." Kai rolled his eyes. "Do you go there?" Minato asked. "I used to I don't know about now, I might get homeschooled." Kai shrugged. "Why is that?" Minato asked, even though he might have a good idea of what it is. "It's nothing." Kai mumbled. "Okay, that's fine." Minato smiled softly. "Kai! Uncle Toes here!" Kokichi yelled from the other room. "Have to go, stay here don't do anything stupid, if you get bored just us my phone, I don't have anything weird on it." Kai demanded. "Okay!" Minato giggled.

"I'm coming!" Kai yelled back then left the small room. Closing it afterwards. "Hi Uncle toe, hi uncle Juice." Kai greeted. "KAI! OH MY SWEET BABY BOY ARE YOU OKAY!? DONT DO THAT AGAIN YOU SCARED ME! I WAS SO WORRIED WHY DID YOU DO THAT-." "Nagito calm down." Hajime pulled Nagito back. "Im fine, I'm sorry if I worried you all.." Kai frowned. "It's okay, Kai." Hajime was trying his best staying calm. Nagito was crying in the back.

"By the way, hows Hina?" Kai asked change the topic. "She's fine, she went went to New York with her girlfriend." Nagito sniffled. "Oh okay." Kai nodded. "Woof." Mochi barked softly at Kai's room. No one was paying attention, but Mochi got swiped away into Kai's room. Kai panicked and said he needed to get something. Kai walked to his room and open the door. 'I hope Minato didn't kill my dog..' He looked over and saw Minato happily rub the dogs stomach. Kai sighed. "What are doing?" Kai asked softly.

"I just heard a bark and saw this adorable dog! So I wanted to pet him." Minato explained. "What his name?" Minato asked. "Mochi." Kai answered. "Aw! Mochi is so cute!" Minato giggled. "Woof." The dog barked again for more attention. "Okay that's good and all, but can you go back into the room, I don't want you getting caught." Kai explained. "Okay sorry." Minato crawled back into the small room, Mochi followed behind. "Kai chuckled the left the room.


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