Chapter 47

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Cri cri cri cri

No ones POV

Kai waited at the hospital with his parents, Kokichi was holding him in her arms as he cried. The small family group hugged Kai, trying to comfort him. He couldn't stop crying. A doctor walked out of the room Minato was brought too, they had a disappointed expression. Then they spoke up. "I am so sorry, but he couldn't make it." Kokichi frowned, small tears forming in her eyes, Shuichi looked down in sadness, and Kai completely broke down. Kokichi held on to her child softly crying. "Would you like to see him one last time?" The doctor asked calmly.

"Y-Yes.." Kai sniffled. "Okay, come on." Kai followed the doctor into Minato's room, Kai felt lightheaded, most of his body hurt a lot. Kokichi and Shuichi also followed behind. The doctor opened the door and let Kai go in first. He saw Minato in the hospital bed, he hid behind his mother not wanting to see. "Kai..." Kokichi looked at Kai with sadness in her eyes. "It's okay hun." She hugged him gently, Kai cried into her shoulder. Shuichi looked at Minato, his face expression seemed so upset even though he was no longer breathing.

He had bandages on his head, tubes hooked up to him. Even Shuichi, who rarely knew or talked to him felt the sadness Kai had felt. He was someone Kai loved the most, and he was gone. Kai walked over to Minato, and gently grabs his hand, it was cold. It was a sad moment for them. Yuki doesn't know what's going on at the moment, everyone was so stressed as sacred that they had totally forgotten to tell him. "I'm so sorry for your loss, but it's time." The doctor said, and covered Minato's face with the bedsheet to represent that he had passed away.

Kai clenched onto his father, crying uncontrollably not wanting Minato to go. Shuichi kneed down and said to Kai. "I know it's hard, but everyone will die eventually, it's just apart of life, it's not always fair." He said so calmly, Kai sniffled getting hiccups from crying so much. "I I I know.." He whispered. "It's gonna be okay, he's in a better place." Shuichi pulled Kai into a hug. Kai rapped his arms around his father desperate for comfort.

Time skippy (yes because Idk what else to write)

After being at the hospital for 3 hours, Kai had ran to his room and shut his door. He cuddled his hello kitty plush and cried. Even though he was told reassuring words, he still couldn't get over his beloved. After 30 minutes, Kai rubbed his eyes, he was extremely exhausted. "Kai honeym how are you feeling?" Kokichi opened the door, "I-I'm fine." He mumbled under his blankets. "Hey, I know your lying, but I'll let it slide cause of the situation." She says down on his bed. "But I can here to tell Yuki, he's Minato's brother after all he needs to know." Kokichi said.

"o-oh right.." He hesitates and grabs his phone, "I don't know how to tell him...." Kai shivered. Kokichi patted him on the back. "Just say, 'there was an accident, and Minato was taken to the hospital'." She said calmly. "O-Okay." So he texted Yuki what he was told. He waited for a response. "While you wait I'll make you some cookies okay?" She got up and walked out of his room. Kai sightly cried, as he waited.

Really? What happened? Is everything okay?..

Minato, Im not sure wat hapend but he got sh0t.. and..


Are you okay? I can't help but realize your grammar, is Minato okay? Please explain.

Minato's dead.

Are you serious?...

He didn't make it! I don't know how to deal with this it's too much for me to handle, it hurts Yuki I can't do it!

Kai, please calm down I don't want you to do anything stupid

I'm coming over.


Kai put his phone down and cried. Mochi waddled into the room like a little potato, he seemed to be looking for Minato. "Woof!" Mochi barked. The dog walked around the room, and sat down. "Woof! Woof!" The dog cried. "Mochi." Kai looked over at the dog. "Minato's not here I'm s-sorry." Kai cried, Mochi seemed to catch on, the dog felt sad and started howling. Poor Mochi, he actually liked Minato out of everyone in the house.

Eventually the dog calmed down and fell asleep on Kai's bed, Kai played with his own hair, curling it. He did this to distract himself. Yuki knocked on the door, Kai got up and opened his door. He saw Yuki at the door, he seemed upset but was hiding it, he also had tissues in his nose. Kai let him in, they both sat down on the bed. It was silent for a while. "When did it happen?" Yuki asked. "It was t-today..." Kai sniffled, holding his knees close to his chest.

"H-Hey, why a-aren't you upset about t-this? He's your brother." He looked up at Yuki. "I am upset,I just trying to stay calm." Yuki sighed. "I'm just more worried about you, yes Minato is important too but.." He looked away. "Look, you almost killed yourself when we broke up, but who know what you could do in a situation like this." Kai sighed, "You don't take these things very well, that's why I'm worried about you." Yuki had a sad smile, but it also looked like a frown. "So I am going to stay by your side, and protect you." Kai looked up in shock.

Kai stayed quiet and looked down, and started crying. Yuki hugged Kai gently. And kept whispering "I'm sorry." As he rubbed his back. Kai was practically screaming in pain, with tears flowing down his eyes, he couldn't take this, but he needed to keep going, not just for Minato but for himself, and Yuki. Everyone he knew cared about him, so he needs to keep going.

He'll keep going for everyone

Lolz sorry for the wait I've been busy

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