Chapter 13

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Kokichi's POV

I ran to the nearest bathroom, as tears uncontrollably fall down my cheeks. I opened the handicap stall and lock the door. I sit on the floor, which probably isn't clean but I'm to upset to care. I hug my knees and cry my heart out. I knew I wasn't good enough...I'm not pretty enough, I'm too short, I don't have an attractive body, no curves, no chest, I'm to skinny, I'll never be good enough! I continued to cry, until I heard someone walk in.

I get up and exit the stall, luckily, they already went into a stall. I wash my hands and face. Then exit the bathroom. I peek over to look at my table, I saw Shuichi yelling at his mother. I couldn't make out what he was saying though. I walk that direction slowly. I see Shuichi look up at me. He immediately get up "Kokichi! Are you ok!?" He questioned then pulling me in a hug.

"..can we go home..." I whispered looking at the ground. "Y-yeah of course." He said. He looked over at his parents, Mr. Saihara was looking down at ground being very quiet. And Mrs. Saihara was glaring at Shuichi and I. My breathing hitched. "We'll be going." He said with a upset tone. He picked up Kai and grabbed my hand, we exited the restaurant. We enter the car, Shuichi puts Kai in his car seat. I get in the front and buckle my seatbelt.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok." Shuichi's whispered rubbing my back. "Mmm." I close my eyes, as I started to cry again. "Mawa..." Kai mumbled. "Mamas not feeling well right now." Shuichi explained to the baby. "Mawa, gwonna be otay?" (Mama gonna be ok?) He mumbled, not really understand what he was trying to say.

Shuichi started driving back home. I hugged myself still crying silently. Finally we got back to Shuichi's apartment. I felt him rub my back and hum a little. "Come on let's get inside." He whispered. We got out the car, Shuichi getting Kai from the car. "Mawa." Kai reached his small hand out. I let him hold my finger. We head to the apartment. Shuichi locked the door behind him.

I sit on the couch and hug my knees. Shuichi walks up to me and takes a seat next to me. "I'm so sorry Kokichi...I didn't know it was gonna happen like this.." He whispered. Kai was crawling on the floor like a spider being chased. "It's ok.." I sniffed looking away from Shuichi. I felt something rap around me, it was Shuichi he was hugging me. It was warm and nice.

I slowly hug him back, and cry into his shoulder. "Shhh it's gonna be ok." He hummed rubbing my back again.

Kai's POV

Mama looks sad. Why is mama sad? I bet it was that mean lady dada was yelling at. Meanie lady, she made my mama cry. Poor mama, I want to comfort her but I don't know how...

I'm sleepy.

I crawl to my room, then I see my Mickey toy. I pick up my favorite toy, if this stupid thing makes me happy...then it might make mama happy too! I crawl back to the living room when I see mama and papa hugging. I crawl over to them and grab mamas leg. "Mawa.." I shake her leg to earn her attention. She turns to me, she looked so sad. Her eyes were puffy and red. "W-what is it Kai?" She sniffed. I hand her my Mickey toy.

"Mawa hwav twoy." (Mama have toy.) I say, my talking is still bad but you get what I mean. I don't know if mama understands though... "what?" She mumbled. "Mawa hwav twoy." I repeated myself. "I think he wants you to have his toy." Dada explained to mama. She looked at my toy then back at me, she smiled still crying at the same time. "...Thank you..." She whispered taking the toy out of my hand.

Dada looked at the clock seeing that it's 10:00 pm, and yes I can tell time. I pay attention to my surroundings, I educate myself. "Come on Kai let's get you to bed." He mumbled picking me up off the floor. He brings me to my bedroom, he changed my clothes and diaper. He then gently places me in my crib.

"Sleep well Kai." He whispered turning off the lights, yeah I like to sleep in the dark unlike other children who are afraid of the dark, I enjoy it a lot.

I'm bored.

Shuichi's POV

I exit Kai's bedroom after putting him to sleep. I walk back to the couch, I frown when I see Kokichi still crying curled up in a ball. I approach the upset girl, and sit next to her. "Kokichi...Everything that she said to you, it's not true." I tried to comfort her in the best of my ability. "No, she's right." She whispered hugging her knees tighter.

"That's where you're wrong! Kokichi you're perfect just the way you are." I say moving closer to the other. "Kokichi..." I lift her head a little, trying to get her to look at me. "B-but-." "No Kokichi! Nothing that my mother said was true! You are pretty! And I know that you'll be an excellent wife in the future! And I don't care about what your body looks like, Kokichi you mean a lot to me. And... I do love you."

I smiled at her caressing her cheek, she looked at me in shock, then immediately started sobbing in my shoulder. I rub her back and hum, telling her it's gonna be ok. This is gonna be a long week.


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