Chapter 27

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Yuki's POV

I just got out of detention, I was walking around the empty quite hallways. I had to walk home alone since Kai usually never waits for me. I should stop by his house. I exit the creepy school and walk the direction of Kai's street. I know his parents aren't home at the moment, today was their wedding anniversary so they might be gone for at least half a week. I still decided to go and enter from his window.

I climb the tree near his window, I almost fell clumsy me, I get a good grip on the window and take a peek. I froze, I saw Kai but with someone else. Someone I didn't know. They were kissing, so deep into it... My heart dropped. I felt water fall down my cheeks, my nose started bleeding as well. He told me wouldn't cheat, was that a lie? How long was this going on?

I watched as the other boy pushed Kai on the bed. I should get going before I have a mental break down. I got off the tree and walked back to my house. So many mixed emotions. I was disappointed, upset, angry, confused and shocked. I went to my room and cried, I feel betrayed, someone I've loved so much had betrayed me, lied and hurt me. I should've seen this coming, Kai is the type to cheat. I was too in love I never noticed the truth.

I shoved a couple of tissues in my nose.

Time skippy

Kai's POV (mentions of R@pe 😔)

I was laying down on my bed, this was one of the things I didn't want to do. I told him to stop but he kept going, I told him no but he didn't listen. He had left already, which was great I didn't want to see his ugly face anyway. I got up, I felt gross and sticky. I grabbed my clothes from the floor and walked to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

I look in the mirror, my hair was messy and I had hickeys all over my body. 'How am I supposed to hide these?' I thought, then groaned. I turned the bath water on and waited for it to get warm. I sat on the floor and poured soap into the water. Then I put one leg into the water, then my other. I sat down in the tub filled with bubbles and water. It felt nice.

I sat there and thought, I should be more careful when I'm around other guys. Boys can be so disgusting sometimes, they just screw someone then they think they have all the power in the world. Ruin and traumatize peoples lives for their pleasure. They're pieces of shits. I played with some bubbles then got out of the bath. I got dressed then went to wash my bed sheets. 'I hope that will never happen again...'

Time skippy next day.. (tw. Arguing, hitting)

No ones POV

Kai walked to school and with Yuki, Yuki was very quiet which concerned Kai. He wasn't aware that Yuki saw what he did yesterday. "Something wrong Yuki? You're awfully quiet.." Kai held Yuki's arm tighter. "I'm fine." Yuki fake smiled and kept walking to the direction of the school. Of course, Kai fell of it Yuki was good a manipulating people, it is his ultimate. They both got to their school and entered.

Lol another time skippy.

It was Lunch time, Kai and Yuki had just left their class. "Hey Kai, can we talk." Yuki asked. "Sure." Kai and Yuki walked outside to where they normally ate lunch. Kai was following behind while Yuki was walking a little faster than him. Then Yuki stopped walking, so Kai did to. Yuki turned around and immediately slapped Kai across the face.

The two went silent. Kai looked up at Yuki and saw tears in the taller ones eyes. "Wha-." Kai got cut off by Yuki pulling him by the shirt harshly. This made the shorter one gasp in surprise. "What were you doing yesterday?" Yuki gave Kai a glare, that scared Kai, it was so menacing. "I was at home-." "Sleeping with someone else?".

"Huh?" Kai was trying to stay calm in this situation. "Don't lie I saw you! HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON!?." Yuki yelled at the other. "I-." Kai didn't know what to say, Yuki was yelling at him, Yuki never yelled at him. It was scaring him. Kai didn't have enough courage to say the words, explain to Yuki what really happened. It just didn't want to leave his mouth. "I-I-I-." Kai could only stutter the word 'I'.

"Well?" Yuki was growing inpatient. Kai whimpered, he wanted Yuki to let go of his shirt. So Yuki dropped him on the dirt. "Now I can't trust you, can I now?" Kai didn't like the face Yuki was giving him, it was scary to him. Kinda like his moms when he got in trouble. Kai crawled back in fear. Yuki leaned down. "Its over Kai, don't ever talk to me again." Yuki said in such a harsh and stern voice.

"W-What? N-No!" Kai yelled but Yuki was already walking away. "But..." Kai hugged his knees. Then he cried. He had never cried before. Nothing ever hurt or scared him so much. He didn't like how Yuki was acting just now. It was scary to him, It made Kai shiver in fear. Yuki was always such a nice guy, never to yell or scare someone.

Kai whimpered and got up, he decided to skip school and just go home. He walked home in silence still crying with an emotionless face. Once he got home he ran into his room and cried into his pillow. He might never get to talk to Yuki again, all because of some random guy and Kai being such a coward. Kai could stop crying at this point, literally screaming in sadness. This hurt him so much more than you think it does.

His best friend of 10 years and and boyfriend of 3 had broken up with him. The person he loved that most had hit him, yelled at him, made him cry. Kai stoped screaming once his voice started to hurt. He curled up into a ball and continued to cry.

2 days later, Kokichi and Shuichi are home

Shuichi unlocked the door and walked in with Kokichi on his back. He stopped when he say Kai in the kitchen looking at them in shock. "Kai why aren't you at school?" Kokichi asked getting suspicious of her son. "I don't feel very well.." Kai's voice cracked from all the screaming he had been doing for the past couple of days. "Are you okay!?" Kokichi got off of Shuichi's back and ran over to her son.

"I just have a really bad headache.." he lied- well he did have a headache from all the crying so he was being honest. "Oh, well go lay down, no ice cream." Kokichi took the ice cream tub from Kai and pointed to his room. Kai walked to his room and laid down like his mother told him too. "Oh Kai, have you been getting sleep?" Kokichi noticed very visible bags under Kai's eyes. "Not really." His voice cracked again.

"And you sound awful, are you okay?" Kokichi had worry in her eyes. "I'm fine." Kai turned to his side. "Okay, but if somethings wrong please tell me." Kokichi then left his room. Kai hugged himself, he should tell his mom about what happened but he's too tired and unstable at the moment. And his eating habits have been terrible too.

Lol I'm clearly not good at writing sad stuff so bear with me 😣

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