Chapter 20

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wellh8der New favorite person on wattpad :) father and son bonding 😱

Kokichi's POV

Shumai didn't have work today, now I can spend more time with him. He's been stressed lately, so I'm gonna make him something special for him(nothing inappropriate 😡 I don't feel like typing that rn..) It's around 6am, I woke up early so I could make breakfast. Usually I would make oatmeal or pancakes, but today I'm in a good mood so I'm gonna make waffles with bacon and eggs.

I try to get out of bed, but Shuichi was hugging me pretty tightly. Slowly I move his arm and slip out of his grip. I exit the bedroom and walk to the kitchen. I start to get my ingredients, and other things that I needed. I then got my phone and headphones, I can't really concentrate on things without something playing in my ears. (lol same).

I decided to play Arctic monkeys, I like their music it catchy. Also because Shuichi recommended me to listen to them. He recommends me a lot of music, like Fall out boy or Panic at the disco. (Not me listening to them rn 💀🤚) He says it sounds like something I would listen to. He's weird, but I still love him. I plug in my headphones then begin to make breakfast.

Shuichi's POV

I wake to a nice smell of waffles. I look around, Kokichi wasn't in bed so she must be making breakfast. I got up and walk to the door. I take a quick peek at the clock 7am. I then leave the room, I saw Kokichi, she had her hair up in a ponytail. She had some floor on her face and headphones in her ears. She seemed to be adding a lot of whipped cream on a waffle.

She didn't notice me, so I walked into the kitchen and put my hands on her shoulders. "WAH!?" The smaller one jumped at the sudden touch. "Oh, it's just you shumai.. haha." Kokichi took out her head phones and laughed nervously. "Good morning kichi, sorry for startling you." I smiled. "It's okay!" She smiled back, then turned back around adding more whipped cream to a waffle.

"Who's that one for?" I chuckle. "Me." She said adding another waffle on top, kinda like a sandwich. "Your plate is on the table." She smiled pointing to the table. "Okay." I pat her head, then walk to the table taking a seat. Kokichi then runs over to the table with a plate in her hand. She sat next to me and placed her breakfast on the table.

She had a waffle sandwich with whip cream inside. Also with a couple of strawberry's and fruit loops. She had some bacon and eggs as well. I chuckle a little as she stuffs her face with whip cream. "What's so funny?" She asked with her mouthful. "Nothing." I smile and start to eat my eggs. Shortly after Kai came out of his room. "Morning Kai!" Kokichi greeted.

"Morning." He rubbed his eye a little. He grabbed his plate from the table then walked back to his room. "Hey! Come here and eat with us!" Kokichi pouted. He grumbled a bit then walked back to the table and sat down. "Thank you." Kokichi smiled. Kai started eating his pancakes with whipped cream and sprinkles.

It was silent it was kinda awkward to be honest, so Kokichi started up a conversation. "So, uh do you guys want to do anything today?" She asked. "I don't know." Kai mumbled. "Come on let's do something! I feel like we never do anything together." Kokichi pouted. "That's because every time we do, you always end up breaking something or getting us kicked out." Kai pointed out.

"No I do not! That only happened twice! Shumai say something!" Kokichi elbowed my arm. "Uh, maybe we should stay home, and maybe watch a movie?" I said not very sure. Kai got up and walked to his room. "Hey! Where are you going!? We're having a conversation here!" She yelled, but Kai had already locked his door. "Bum." She mumbled. "It's okay, he's a teen he'll change eventually.." I awkwardly explained.

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