Chapter 33 part 2

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No ones POV

"Mama! Why do I have to wear this dress! It's ugly I wanna wear a prettier dress!" Kai pouted. "Kai the dress you wanna wear won't look good! It won't match the colors at the wedding!" Kokichi pouted as well. "So! Black is boring, lemme wear my rainbow one!" "No." "Hmph!" Kai pouted again. "Oh stop." Kokichi rolled her eyes at him. "Fine I'll wear the dress, as long as Yuki comes over." Kai glared. "Fine." Kokichi gave up. "Yay!" Kai cheered.

Kokichi helped Kai get his dress on, it was black with a white bow on the back. And black socks with black shoes with small heels. The family is more into the whole black and white concept. Kai grabbed a small bow and clipped it on his ahoge. "Mama, maybe I was wrong this dress is kinda pretty." Kai said shyly. "You look adorable." Kokichi agreed. "Go put your dress on!" Kai pushed her into the closet.

"Don't push me!" Kokichi yelled. "Sorry." Kai apologies. Kokichi went looked at the large dress. Shuichi choose the dress, it had black flower designs on it, with a black corset. It was more of a funeral dress if she was being honest. She wasn't complaining though. The vail was black lace and a top hat was attached to it and some black and white roses. She slipped off her clothes and put on the fishnets Shuichi left her. Then shorts. She put the dress on, but struggled to zip the back. "Shumai?" Kokichi peeked through the door.

"Yeah?" He asked. "Can you help me?" Kokichi pouted. "Okay." He walked over to her, she turned around and let Shuichi zip the dress. "Shuichi, aren't weddings supposed to be all white and pink or something? Why is the aesthetic all emo and sad?" Kokichi yelled. "Do you not like it? Sorry I got carried away.." Shuichi chuckled nervously. "It's fine, I was just asking." Kokichi shrugged. She ran back into the closet then grabbed the corset. "Shu Shu, help me put this on." Kokichi smiled. "Alright." He smiled back.

Shuichi rapped the corset around her waist then started trying the back. "Okay I'm gonna pull it now, are you ready?" He asked. "Yeah." Kokichi said. Shuichi pulled the lace making Kokichi squeak. "OW!" She yelled. "S-Sorry! This is supposed to be tight." Shuichi awkwardly smiled. Shuichi pulled it enough, then tied it into a bow. "I can't really breathe...." Kokichi said blankly. "Again, I'm sorry..." Shuichi was a little embarrassed. Kokichi walked over back to the closet and put the vail over head. She put black long gloves on and walked over to the mirror.

"Wow Shu! I actually look nice." Kokichi smiled. "Yeah, you look beautiful." Shuichi hugged her back. "Now go dressed!" Kokichi said sticking her tongue at him. Shuichi went and got dressed. "That was quick." Kokichi looked at the other. "But Shumai looks very handsome." She snickers. "Thank you." Shuichi mumbled. He wore a black suit, with white outlines of roses. He had a black bow tie. And a top hat on his head. "Come Shu." Kokichi grabbed his hand and walked out of the room. "Mama! You look pretty." Kai admitted.

"Thank you Kai." She giggled. "Let's get going." Shuichi said. "Wait!" Kai yelled. "What is it Kai?" Shuichi turned around. "Can Yuki come?" Kai asked innocently. "Fine." Shuichi rolled his eyes. "Yay! I'll go get him." Kai said then ran off. "Shouldn't someone go with him?" Shuichi asked getting worried. "He'll be fine." Kokichi brushed it off. They waited a little then say the child run towards them with his friend Yuki. "H-Hi Miss.Ouma and Mr. Saihara." Yuki mumbled. "Hi Yuki." The couple said. "Congratulations on your engagement." Yuki whispered shyly.

"Thank you Yuki." They both said. "A-And you both look very nice.." Yuki compliments. "Thank you Yuki." They both smile. "Come Yuki, I have a outfit for you." Kai said and grabbed his hand. The two kids ran into Kai's room. "This is weird." Kokichi said. "Yeah." Shuichi agreed. "Look!" Kai came back with Yuki all dressed up in a black suit, "where did you get that from?" Kokichi asked very confused. "I bought it." Kai giggled. "With what money?" Shuichi asked getting serious.

"U-Uhh." Kai stuttered. "Come on we should get going." Kai changed the subject. "Yeah we don't wanna be late." Kokichi said. The four got into the car and drove to their destination.

(Okay I have no clue how wedding work okay, and I'm to lazy to google it so I'm just going with my gut.)

As the piano music played, Kokichi walked holding a bouquet of roses. She softly smiled, as she walked the direction of Shuichi. Others watched in their seats, Kai and Yuki stood in a random spot and watched, of course Kai was getting bored but he brushed it off. The priest (Angie) started saying her vowels. "Will you Saihara Shuichi take Ouma Kokichi as your beloved wife?" Angie asked. "I do." He smiled softly. "And will you Ouma Kokichi take Saihara Shuichi as your beloved Husband?" She asked Kokichi. "Hell yeah!" Kokichi giggled.

"You may kiss the bride!" She yelled. Kokichi grabbed Shuichis head and passionately kissed him on the lips. As doing so she threw the bouquet in the air, Kai jumped up and caught it. He turned to Yuki, that made the taller start to sweat. Kai ran over to him and kissed his cheek. "I-."Yuki froze. "Haha, you so cute Yuki!" Kai giggled. "When we get married I want to kiss you as much as I want!" Kai smiled. "O-Okay.." Yuki blushed.


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