[𝟹𝟽] Infinity Dates

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Jo looked flustered when she faced the board, I took a peek wanting to know what made her frown like that. I took a deep breath and had the urge to smoke again.

Our names are written on the board, mine paired with Sam and hers paired with Knox. There is no way I would ever let that happen. This dating shit is useless anyway.

"It's tradition, we can't break it." Madison spoke first. Maybe she already felt the tension in the air.

"You better shut your mouth, Maddie." I point at her and I see Josephine walking towards me. Dragging me to the end corner of the room.

She looks up at me, her blue eyes wondering, as if asking me something that I don't know the answer too.

"You're being pissy again." She reaches up to my face and gently rub her fingers over my lips. It's a habit of hers, an intimate gesture whenever she doesn't agree with what I said and I find it so cute. My skin craves her touch every time.

"Don't tell me you'd go through with this nonsense date thing." I look down at her. I'm sure my face and ears are red.

"Did I say I will? I wouldn't want this either." She whispers, closes her eyes and open them again. "But we need to go with it. It's breaking tradition."

"Fuck tradition, bit. I don't want you near that fucking asshole." Just the thought of Knox spending 24 hours with my girlfriend, stirs something in me. I want to punch something or I'll end up hurting myself.

She sighs and puts both of her hands under my shirt. The contact was almost too electrifying.

"I'll find a way, okay?" Her lashes look extra long from up here and the way her blue eyes shine under the cheap classroom light.

"Can you finish up and we can go home? I need to take this frustration out." I smirk at her and she bites her bottom lip, liking the idea. I playfully grabbed her ass as she walked back to her co-councilors.

The way her skirt bounces when she walks and her brushed up hair sways with her every move. Her legs are one of my favorite spots but nothing can beat her plump breasts under my palm and eventually against my mouth.


All the votes had been counted and written on the board but it really didn't help my mood one bit. I can't help but think what Jo would do about it. Or if there ever was a way out of spending the whole day with Sam and Knox.

We walked holding hands as we exited the hallways of the school. She's pretty disappointed about what transpired, I'm sure. She keeps on rubbing my arm, making me feel calm. But so many feelings stir in me, I want to hit something.

"Why don't we eat dinner at that Chinese place Madison always talks about?" She smiles up at me. A tight smile, something that doesn't reach her eyes.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, kissing her forehead. She didn't answer and just stared at me. I know she's not. She just wants to divert my attention.

She slides into the front seat with ease and I turn on the engine and drive away from school.

"Let's stay in your room tonight." She said.

"Do your parents know?" I glance at her profile and she looks incredibly gorgeous with the street lights hitting her face as we pass by.

"I'll let them know and hush, I know you will object but my parents already knows we fuck. There's no point in even pretending with them."

She smiles and I chuckle. I can't believe soft spoke and smart Josephine would turn out to be some feisty vixen. I reach out to squeeze her thigh and she gasps.

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