[𝟷𝟾] cold as ice

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Josephine, finally 18

I can't believe I'll be spending my birthday on the road and not like what I intended to do. Good thing I haven't given out any official invitations, I only told Madison and the cheer squad at least but it just felt so weird spending it outside my hometown.

Hero's mother, Martha, insisted on us taking this trip to Aspen. Although it's summer season, I'm pretty excited about the view. I've always loved nature and Aspen is known for its snowy mountains and slopes in winter but I heard it's equally beautiful with its green meadows and hiking trails in summer time.

We hopped in the van that will eventually take us to airport. I stand there gawking and in awe. Martha's van is elegant compared to what we have, at least I think it's hers. I can see gold accent everywhere. I wonder how it will look like on the inside. Hero didn't mention anything about his parents being this wealthy. Not that I even talk to him about personal stuff but mostly little things I pick up when he talks to my parents.

Martha mentioned they have a place in Aspen which hasn't been used for years, only for occasional events and photoshoots. Sometimes events that rarely happens on winter anyways. I looked up in Google last night that mostly more than $20 million dollars up to a billion are the cost of the houses there. I gasped and couldn't believe his family would be THAT rich.

Hero sat on the far end of the van, earphones in his ear, oblivious to everyone around him. He still has injuries and a band aid over his nose and a white strip on the cut on his eyebrow. He's looking outside the window and ignoring everybody else. He still looks awful with all the cuts on his face. I confronted Knox about it and he said Hero came at him first.

Of all the things I know about Hero, specially we basically grew up together, I didn't think he can be this violent towards someone else. Knox and I patched things up and he promised to stay away from Hero as much as he can. He also said Hero insisted on their coach to remove him from the football team, so he volunteered to step out of the team instead. I told him he doesn't have to do that but he said he's doing it for me. I must admit it made me feel even guiltier about what happened. I don't want either of them to even make decisions because of me. I thought it over and I think what Hero has done is the most childish thing he can ever do to someone who's getting a scholarship out of playing football. He's angry at the world and he's being so selfish. I haven't talked to him about this yet and I don't think I ever will.

"All good?" Martha asked from the front seat, mostly everyone nodding and saying yes. My parents and I are seated on the front, Phoebe in the middle and Hero at the back, in his own world. I look back at him for one last time before I focus my eyes on the passing cars on my window. He's still lost in his own world.

We're in the airport in no time and we never have to check in our bags. We were dropped off beside a plane. A whole freaking plane! I stood there, my mouth agape and just staring at the damn plane like it's a painting. Are we really flying in this? I think my parents are in awe as much as I am. I have always flown commercial and it's always coming back home to Australia which we haven't done in years now. It feels so good to be in the same plane with them again for travelling.

Martha gestured for us to come in and smiled sweetly. I can sense she's a very sophisticated woman but also sweet. Not like his brooding son who's waited for all of us to be inside the plane before he hopped in. He wore his black sunglasses and his earphones still in, walked down the center aisle like he owned the place and ignored all of us. I mean, he really owns this and most of us are still taking in everything except for me. I think I'm the only one paying attention to him. He looks down in his phone, pressed something and closed his eyes.

"I am so glad you were able to join us. I cannot thank you enough for looking out for my son during those times he needed guidance the most. I owe everything to you guys." Martha stood and wiped tears from her eyes while thanking my parents. I looked around and I see Phoebe has her head down but I couldn't quite read her expression. As for Hero who's obviously listening to something rather than listening to his mother, I can say he couldn't care less. I offer Martha a sweet smile. I don't understand why would Hero be so angry with her all the time. She seems to be so sweet.

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