[𝟸𝟿] last day of bliss

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As I'm packing everything I brought here which is basically my pack of cigarettes and my Zippo, my phone rings on the bedside table. We're back at the cabin and I'm just fixing to get my backpack from the treehouse. Josephine is downstairs with her suitcase and taking selfies of her surroundings.

I grab my phone and look at the caller ID. It's Jonah, I answer it right away. Completely nervous of how he would react at what he witnessed yesterday.

"Brother!" he said cheerfully. Although we have called each other brothers whenever we get to meet, it feels way too awkward now that I'm dating his sister. Jonah is someone I should never mess with and that scares me a little bit.

"Yo, what's up?" I said, calmly. Not hinting on anything or trying to tell him what happened. I should definitely wait for him to ask about, right?

"Well, a little birdie told me you've finally admitted to your feelings." He said with an obvious smile to his tone.

"Uh..." I don't know how to answer that. I know Jonah has been quite a matchmaker with us two but I didn't realize I had feelings until now. Until I actually acted up on them.

"Why do you sound like a stiff piece of gum, mate?" he asks.

"I don't know what to tell you, honestly."

"Here's what you should tell me, you dumbnut, "Hey, Jonah, I won't hurt your sister, ever." or you can say "I will try not to hurt her" at the least. Your balls is in such a twist, man." he chuckles on the other line.

I can feel the tone getting more lighter at every second I'm talking to him and I'm thankful I didn't have to go through death threats which I thought would be the case.

"I heard you're playing for the UMass?" I ask. Since Jonah is pretty fantastic at soccer, American football is a whole new environment and game rules.

"Well, yeah. They wanted me in because of the built I have. You know, I said "why not?", showed up to tryouts and then I got tight end."

"Wow, man, tight end? Isn't that a pretty tough position?"

"I know, I know. We've been practicing non-stop since the game is like a week away and I'd like both of you to be here. But of course, you fucking buy your own ticket since I already bought hers."

I laughed, feeling Jonah's chuckle vibrate over the phone. It's always so good talking to him. He's always been a brother to me. Teaching me things about soccer and giving me play advices. This is also why I got to this point of being team captain because he was team captain.

Josephine peeked through the door asking if I'm done with the clothes. Her cheeks red from the breeze outside, her beany not in the same position as it had when she stepped out.

"Alright, we'll call you later when we land." I said to Jonah, ending the call abruptly not wanting him to hear his sister is in the same room that I am. It still feels awkward.

"Who's on the phone?" Josephine looked at my phone and at me with those big blue eyes.

"Just your brother." I wink.

"Are you talking about me?" she asks, her eyes turning into slits, her mouth giving me a smirk.

"Kinda everything we agree on about you, yeah. Which is zero." I tease and stuff the last thing I need to bring back home.

"Really?" she taps her chin and that gave me time to look at her outfit.

She's wearing one of those sundresses that I always see in boutiques that really accentuates her tits, her waist and her hips. Now, I'm feeling all things a person should not be feeling before boarding a plane and travel for three hours.

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