[𝟺𝟻] mommy problems

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Hero, 5 years old

I play with my toy train just bought for me. Dad helped me assembled it. It's too big for the living room so I set up in the vacant room we had upstairs. My big brother Titan wanted to play with me so we went upstairs.

The room still has a crib in it, there are still decorations of white stars and yellow moons. I squint when I opened the door and the light from the window strikes my face.

"Is everything in here, Hero?" Titan asked me and looked down at the toy train box. Mom had to disassemble it so we can take it upstairs. I don't know how to read much yet so I don't know if everything's in there.

I shrug my shoulders and slump down the floor, arranging the trains that come along with it. There are five of them, in different colors. Two blues, one red, one white and one yellow. I play with the wheels.

Titan stands up from where he's sitting, "You forgot the other rail downstairs! I'll go get it. You stay here, okay?"

I nod, not really sure why he wants me to stay put. I stand up and look around the room. I see a lot of pictures up on the wall. Mostly of me, Titan and my little sister, Mercy. She's still sucking milk from a bottle, I drink mine from a cup.

I saw a toy car on top of the cabinet, it's blue and I want to get it, but it's too far away. I prop my feet on the chair and was able to reach it propping my feet in one of the boxes underneath it. But I wobble and slipped. At least I got my toy car.

I look down at the messed up box and Mommy doesn't like messy. I pick up everything that's spilled and I pick up one picture of my Auntie Phoebe. She looks sick and in a hospital bed just like when Titan ate too many gummy bear. She's holding a baby in her arms, little just like Mercy.

"Hero, honey, I heard a thud, are you okay?" Mommy's voice echoed before it entered the room.

"Mommy, where's Auntie Phoebe's baby?" I hold up the picture to my Mommy and her smile was gone. She was not happy anymore.

"Put that down!" Mommy shouted at me and I don't like Mommy shouting. It's making me sad. I cried and ran downstairs to my Daddy.

"Martha, we talked about this." Daddy picked me up and rubbed my back and I feel so much better. I rest my head on Daddy's shoulder while Mommy's still arguing with him. Mercy lies on the stroller and smiles at me, I smile at her back.

"Martha, not in front of the kids!" Daddy whispered to Mommy and I look at them. Daddy said when someone is whispering, there's a secret. I think Mommy and Daddy has a secret.

"I'm sorry, honey. Are you angry at Mommy?" Mommy kisses my forehead and I shake my head, kissing her on the cheeks.

"I love you, Mommy."


I scan the nearby surroundings if there's any demon lurking by that I needed killing. I walked slowly so I can reach the chest I've been waiting to get when Phoebe calls me from downstairs.

"One second!"

"If you don't stop that game right now!" She shouts back.

I pause the game and throw my controller on the bed, it hit the floor with a loud thud. I pick it up and this time gently placed it on top of my console.

"What's so important that I need -"

My Dad stands in the living room, looking so tall yet so old. He's grown a beard and has glasses now.

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