[𝟷𝟶] i hate your guts

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Josephine, 17 years old and 3 weeks

Of all the times I would see him, it's here. Where I'm trying to enjoy my goddamn time with friends. I almost forgot we go to the same school. I really wanted to erase that part I actually smiled at him at the first day of our meeting. We've been literally cursed ever since the day we met.

I never know I could hate someone so much as I hate him.

"What did Knox want?" Maddie asked holding her still half-full red cup. The girls gathering on the table tennis are doing shots like there is no tomorrow.

We're sitting beside the house pool and yet it's still crowded in here. Pot and booze abundant everywhere. I drank alcohol a couple of times, pot I haven't even tried. My parents would literally kill me.

"I don't care about Knox."

Madison rolled her eyes at me, knowing where this conversation is going and neither one of us are going to like its bitter end.

"Why don't you just break up with Brooklyn?"

I sighed. Brooklyn seems to be a nice guy. Straight As, an amazing athlete and a gentleman. Plus, our families get along so well but I haven't felt any spark with our kisses at all. With how many times he's initiated sex with me, I didn't even feel to give it to him. I would like to but I don't want to regret giving it someone I don't feel like giving it to. I just turned seventeen and I just made a list I need to do once I hit eighteen which is technically a year from now. Also, if I break up with Brooklyn, I'd have to choose another one to go to prom to.

"You know I can't do that..." I sip the last of my beer and lie down the grass, looking up at gray skies. No stars tonight.

"Why can't you?" I can feel Madison's stare burning a hole to the side of my head. "Why can't you just admit you like Hero?"

I sit right up. It's like bile shoot up my stomach and I feel like puking. "No fucking way, Maddie. You know I loathe him. I hate his guts."

"I mean, c'mon, sis. He's tall, handsome, has a sexy accent, and obviously someone who can save you." She's drooling over him like it's a good thing.

"Save me from what exactly? And you are disgusting for even suggesting me that." I throw my red cup at her and she giggles while it lands on her lap.

"You just don't know what's in front of you, sister. He's the full package!" Madison looked from afar and there I saw Mr. Evil smiling and waving at the girls on the pool while Sam's hand is tightly wrapped around his waist. Sam and Hero are the most talked about couple in Trinity, not just they've been voted Mr. & Miss Valentine a couple of times, now they're candidates for Prom King and Queen. I hate how he basks in his popularity like he owns the place.

I really wished he had gone back to London after his parents' separation but he decided to stay and annoy every single one of us even more. Or maybe just to annoy the living hell out of me. I met her Mom once over dinner when she came for a week visit. He looks so much like her. Every facial feature, every mannerism, and the same dimpled smile. His Mom has a very soft voice that can lull you to sleep and we just hit it ever since. She even asked for my number and has been texting and FaceTiming me every now and then. I really can't tell if his relationship to his mother has improved since his relationship with her is not a topic I should not be prying about. But I saw how distant he is when she was around. I felt bad for his Mom flying miles across just to spend time with him and he's so cold towards her. That's when I knew Hero's being a selfish asshole. And I hated him even more for it.

He spotted us on the grass and waves at us. Madison waved back, I didn't. What an ass. I stood up and walk back to the table where punch is served and have our cups refilled. I also got us some chips and salsa.

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