[𝟹𝟾] trapped in danger

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Hero seem to be so out of it ever since last night. He knows I hate lying so I'm hoping this is not something serious he's keeping from me and I hope he'll eventually tell me.

I heat up a pan and started on some bacon and grabbed four eggs from the fridge. I toasted some bread and was too lazy to even make pancake batter. I guess this will do.

I see in my periphery that he's walked down, a t-shirt already covering his body. I look and smile at him. He smiles too with his messy hair and sleep still evident on his eyes. I don't know where we ever get the stamina to stay up all night making love. I just know that when we're near each other, one look is what it takes to ignite that burn inside of us.

"I love this look of you in the kitchen." He says and I face him, picking up the last bacon with tongs and started cracking the eggs in a bowl.

He picks up his mug of coffee and looks at me while he's sipping it. His stare does things to me even when I'm still sore from last night.

"I'm just trying not to burn any food right now." I smile and pour the beaten eggs on the same pan I cooked the bacon in. I threw in a small amount of butter just to make it creamier.

"I would want to see this if we finally moved in together." He says and I whip my head back at him, completely shocked at what he said.

"What?" I set down the spatula and looked at him. He couldn't be thinking of moving in when he hasn't planned for college yet.

"Bit, calm down. I'm just thinking about it lately." He said, nonchalantly. Like what he talked about is just small talk.

"Don't you have plans on going to college?" I pick up a piece of bacon and pop it in my mouth. Why does everything greasy tastes so heavenly?

He doesn't answer my question but just stares at me.

"I don't think that's necessary for my case though." He explains.

"For your case? Why? I visualized for the both of us to go to the same college and maybe by then we can move in together."

I smirk and try to explain to him but I guess his mind has this crazy idea that college is shitty. I know it is but it has always been my dream to get a degree just like what my parents hoped for me and what my brother is working towards right now.

"Bit, I just thought it will be unnecessary for me." He sets down his mug and points to the pan at my back.

I turn off the heat and transferred the scrambled eggs on a plate. I grabbed two forks and I handed him one. I always focused on my degree and doing everything just to graduate from college. I wouldn't say Hero is not my priority but I need to finish school and secure a degree for a better future. My parents always ingrained this in my brain. My parents are professionals and they earned money and was able to build everything together and even own everything together.

It looks like Hero doesn't share the same mindset as I am. I don't have the same privilege as him. I eventually want my parents to stop working and provide for them instead.

"Can you at least think about it?" I say sweetly, not wanting him to waste his future on some uncertainty.

He chugs on his drink and just stares at me, not answering. I look at him impatiently, my hand on my waist and gave him an intimidating look. Well, the closest thing to that I assume.

He smirks at me and pulls me in. Nuzzling my neck and leaving feather kisses on my skin.

"Hero, stop."

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