[𝟷𝟻] she got me or not

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I can't believe Josephine would come in to school with her pink hair and the odd thing about it is she hasn't attacked me besides from that not-so-threatening text she sent me hours after her fortunate shower. Or after the make out session we had not long ago. She pretends it never happened so I guess I should too. Even though the taste of her lips are already burned into mine.

The guys and I crowd in a small cafeteria table with their girlfriends while Sam sat too damn close beside me. It's almost like she's sitting on my lap already. The cheerleaders, who are in their uniforms this early, parades down the middle of the vast space between the tables. Their neatly brushed up hair sways along with their short yellow skirts. Once they're on the mini-stage up front, many hollered and whistled because of course, Trinity cheerleaders. Some with legs for days but sexy bodies and beautiful faces. I stared at her on stage and like a magnet to each other she looked at our table, particularly at me.

Josephine tapped on the microphone on the far end corner reserved for announcement purposes. It's like they ever use it. The principal would just announce anything over the school's intercom which will be heard by every single student in Trinity. By those who listened anyways.

"Josephine dyed her hair pink? Well, that's new." Sam looked at girls on stage and brought her attention back to her phone. I scan the surroundings and the prank I did on her made her look good rather than bad. I admit she looks cuter with pink hair. The guys around are drooling over her like she's some cotton candy. The pink color on her hair faded and it's now looking her room, a lighter shade of what that bottle indicated.

I can hear someone tapping on the microphone and Josephine being the president of the student council, of course she gets to speak.

"Hi Trinity!" she said sweetly over the microphone, her voice sultry. I roll my eyes and cross my arm waiting for whatever her team planned for the next few months. Also, it's less than a month before her 18th birthday, I know she has something in store.

"Do you all know what happens on August 8th?" she giggled over the microphone and everyone cheered. I hate that event.

Trinity was founded by a priest and this was run by members of the church a hundred years back. That same priest believed August 8 is a symbol of infinite success being the number 8 similar to the infinity symbol. With that thought in mind, he also founded a fundraising event which you will write 8 aspirations you have for the future and put it in a jar and bury it only in Trinity grounds. You only do this when you're a senior so in any case you come back to Trinity, you can actually dig up that jar you made and read the aspirations your younger self has made.

It's the most stupid thing I've heard for the many years I was here. Good thing, only a few ever did that or else Trinity grounds will be full of non-sense jars buried everywhere.

But the student council made something even more ridiculous from that date. 8 names of girls written in pink hearts, names of guys written in blue hearts, stuffed into a huge fish bowl, wait until August 8th and those 8 people need to spend a whole day together. This will also go through a vote. Students will vote for 8 guys and 8 girls they want to spend the day together. I was voted far too many times for this and students vote for the same people so I know they will do the same for this year. They even call it Infinity Dates and believed people who were voted are most likely to end up in a relationship. And some parents attest to it, that they met through this awful event. It's like the fucked-up version of Valentine's Day. This is one of the reasons why I miss London. None of this American bullshit going on.

"Since we're doing the voting a month before, my co-councilors will be giving out small piece of paper which you will drop in any boxes you see in the corridors. Just remember you cannot vote for yourself, okay?" Josephine winked to the crowd and she catches me glaring at her. She smiled slyly and turned to the audience for another announcement.

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