[𝟷𝟹] school ain't cool

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I adjust the strap of my back pack and shut the door of my locker. I almost jump out of my skin when I saw Booker's face behind it.

"Thank me I don't punch on a whim." I took a deep breath and I walked my way to English Lit, which is the most boring class ever. I walk past Booker and go down the hall, leading to the auditorium which will apparently have a Shakespeare play shown to class today. God, I wish I can sleep but Mr. Steinmeyer will kick me in the balls. Literally.

Booker is still tailing me even if we're not in the same class. He sits beside me and his face occupying most of my personal space.

"What the fuck do you need, Booker?" I face him, trying so hard not to push him off of his seat. He's being annoying in a middle of a class I don't even want to be in.

"Knox's doing his weekly acquaintance party." He said, stuttering.

"And?" I could care less about Knox's shitty parties. He's known to grope anyone with a skirt so I wouldn't be surprised if he's doing this in the midst of school events. The interschool event will be in a few days and all he ever does is be distracted and throw shit like parties. Knox has never improved in his game skills and I saw that in my own eyes. He's a slacker, for lack of a better word. I was never invited to his parties but Sam and him have the same circle of friends so I always come along. As if Knox had any choice pulling me out from his party.

"Didn't you hear?" Booker said, trying to hide his face with a book when the professor raised his head, looking at the back.

"Hear what, Book? Tell me what's going on or I'll tell Steinmeyer you're here." Booker's eyes widened. I don't know if he's too scared for detention or he's more scared of me.

"I heard with the people he's hanging out with, uh, Josephine's coming over to his party."

"I don't care about what she does."

Last night flashed back, vividly etched in my brain. How she kissed him while looking at me. I had to take care of myself in the bathroom and I hated myself for it. A thousand times I told myself, I am not affected but just one look from her, and kissing another guy, is sending me to uncomfortable ecstacy.

If I'm being completely honest with myself, I care. A lot. I care that she's going for the douchebag in the group. Brooklyn was decent but she really went for an asshole like Knox. But would I even want her to go with me? No. I don't have that kind of sanity for a relationship. I just want her safe.

"Really? I mean Josephine is your friend, right? You should warn her about Knox Finley." Book made air quotes and have that smirk on his face. I want to wipe it off so bad with my fist.

"She's not my friend. She's just a neighbor." I cleared my throat and pull my bag lapel tighter.

Once we're in the auditorium, Booker pulled out his notebook, pretending to write something when all the lights were shut off. I guess we're really watching that shitty play.

"Steinmeyer will fucking see you, Book." I nudge his shoulder when my professor walked into the door.

"This is why you're seated there and I am here. You block the view mostly."

I shake my head and focused on whatever Steinmeyer is talking about.

For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.

I sighed and crossed my arms in front of me, hugging myself tighter.

"Book, are you ready sleep?" I chuckled at him already had his eyes closed, leaning on the cushioned seat.

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