[𝟷𝟸] a whole new war

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I know getting involved with Knox is walking in dangerous waters. I'm on my way back home that night from Sam's when Knox and his friends decided to take me home. I was drunk and he actually didn't make a move on me. I guess he wanted to earn my trust. I thought of Brooklyn and what he will say if he ever found out so I texted him out of stupidity. Yes, I broke off with him over a text message. Again. I don't know how many times I did it but my hazy mind doesn't care. We still hung out until the sun has risen and I needed to be back home. The alcohol in my system is almost gone by the time Knox dropped me off, my brother Jonah eyeing him from the doorstep. My Mom and Dad loading picnic stuff in the van.

"Why don't you let your friends come along? We're going down Ivy's Hill."

Ivy's Hill is simply a swimming hole, an untouched part of the forest we used to hike in and only a few people go there. I go there often as a kid where Miss Phoebe would do the hike and we'll do the swing near the river. Most of the memories I spent in there was fighting with Hero. We were always competitive and I'm not someone to back down. I still can't believe he talked to Dad about me. That was completely out of line. He did not have the right to interfere with my life like that. So, I devised a plan. I know how he saved me from Knox and him being nice to me now just makes me want to know him more. I forget the incident on the corridor upstairs Sam's house and wanted to start fresh.

Knox smiled at me from his car and I walked towards him to invite them to Ivy's Hill. He flashed his smile and winked at me. He said he'll grab some clothes from home and will meet us there. I nod and watch his car disappear on the curb of our neighborhood.

"You didn't tell me about him." Jonah's beside me all of a sudden, looking at the road as well.

"He's a new friend." I murmured. "You didn't tell me you're coming home!" I smack his bulging arm and he pulled me in for a hug. I love my brother but he annoys me, a lot.

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise, isn't it? Go to your room and pack some clothes. I have something for you there." He said and tousled my hair like he always did when we were kids.

"Really?" I smile at him and he nods. My brother has always been big on gifts, ever since we were younger, he would buy me little things he knows I would like. I've always kept them in a tiny brown box under my bed. Just mementos he would share with me most specially when he's away from home longer. I would say Jonah is my first best friend but since I've hit puberty, he became extra annoying.

I bolt up the stairs and grabbed my small black duffel bag and stuffed my white bikini. I bought it at the mall for half its price and I couldn't be any happier. My Dad shook his head when he saw it but with a few hugs and kisses, he finally let me wear it. On one condition, I should only wear it around family. And this is the first time I'll be wearing this around family and some friends. Well, new friends.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and noticed a few messages and missed calls from Madison. I should probably tell her as soon as we get to the Ivy's. I stuffed some towels and a change of clothes and didn't bother to change my night-before clothes.

"Jo! Hurry up!" Jonah shouted from downstairs and I grabbed my bag and jog back down. I can smell his usual "special" barbecue recipe brewing up in one of those plastic containers just waiting to be grilled. He packed some vegetables and other stuff he will need for his grilling expertise. I steal a baby carrot and bite into it. I know how Jonah hates me being a noisy eater but I think he's too busy to even mind me. I looked outside and my parents are almost done with loading everything.

"How's Hero?" Jonah asked from nowhere. He knows we hate each other so I really don't have any idea why he's asking me this.

"What?" was all I cared to say. Hero, first is an enemy. Second, he's never been nice to me. And third, he doesn't deserve rights to anything I do. And fourth, I don't care about anything he does. Ever.

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