[𝟸𝟼] sweet body aches

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I woke up with a grin on my face and soreness between my legs. Well, that's one off the bucket list. Thousands of other more firsts I need to do. I stretch and feel every sore muscle in my body. I open one eye and see I'm all alone in the room.

"Hero!" I call out but all I got was an echo of my own voice.

We slept in his room, with dark ceilings and open windows. I bet his view from up here is magnificent so I stood up from the bed and pad towards the balcony. I'm met with some fresh air with pine trees just below.

I take in the surroundings and inhale the fresh air until my lungs are full of smoke. I cough, the bitter taste scraping my throat. I find Hero sitting in one of the lounge chairs, his eyes closed, a cigarette between his fingers.

"You're smoking again?" I ask, sitting on the chair opposite of his.

He opens his eyes and smiles at me. Of course, those fucking dimples. I press my thighs together, not wanting to start the day with sex because we've been at since 1 am. I can't believe two people can stay and do it for that long but I just can't get enough of it. I can't get enough of him.

"Just one stick." He said and gave me pleading eyes. "Come here." His voice is so soft calling out to me. I think my insides are all soft like jelly.

I'm still naked under the robe and I'm still sore yet despite of that, I still crave for it. Fiend. My brain says. I just smile at the thought and walk to him and sit on his lap. He's still topless but he already have his shorts on. I make myself comfortable and held on to his torso for support.

He puffed a couple of smokes and put it out on the ashtray beside him. He popped some gum and I can already smell the mix of mint and smoke. I find the combination of it so attractive on him. I can't help myself but to kiss him full on the lips.

"If you keep doing that to me, we might not get out of this bloody house." he said while smiling to the kiss.

"Well, there's your British crass." I commented and stood up from his lap. He smiled at me and went to pick up another cigarette.

"Aren't we leaving or what?" I put my hands on both side of my hips, looking down at him as he lights another stick. I hate that I'm acting this way but I hate it even more when I see him smoke. I've always hated it and he's purposely doing it in front of me.

"Just one more..." He said, taking a drag of cigarette, it's end a bright orange. I still don't get why people love to smoke. It smells nasty and it's burning everyone's throat and you'll have less 5 years to live with every cigarette stick you finish.

I roll my eyes at him and proceed to walk inside his room. Pulling the robe tighter around my body. I don't have anything inside his room so I pad back towards my room and Martha sitting on the lounge seat outside, her hands stretched while reading the morning paper.

"I never thought you would come out of there." she commented without looking up. I was about to call Hero but she raised her hand and stop me. "Don't say a word."

I pull the robe tighter around my body, ashamed that his mother is the first one to found out. Clearly, she's not too happy about it.

"I wish you're using protection. These days teenage pregnancies are high." I want to sink where I'm standing and the thought I didn't even want him to pull out nags in my brain. I can't say anything but nod.

Martha pulls off her glasses and looked at me and boy I was so intimidated. She has the same green eyes as his son, the same facial features, same sharp jaw.

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