[𝟹𝟷] hot and cold

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I nearly choked on a piece of steak when Josephine announced at the table that we're officially in a relationship. Elizabeth looked at me like I'm a ghost and she kept staring at both of us back and forth.

One thing I know about Josephine is she's very rash on making decisions and what I didn't realize is she can be very moody. I already had a taste of that on the ride back home.

I hate it when we fight because I still don't know what tickles her exactly. We've known each other for a long time but then this is the first time we've been intimate and in a relationship.

I offer to do the dishes while she unpack her suitcase in her room. My backpack is sitting on their sofa feeling at home while I still tread the reaction she'll give me once we're alone.

"Stephen will be so thrilled to know." Elizabeth places the plates I washed in the dishwasher giving us more time to talk. I always love talking to her and she's been nothing but warm and welcome to me but the fact that her daughter and I left hating each other and came back in a relationship must've been a shock to anyone.

"I'm still expecting the worst." I chuckle nervously. I wash the last plate and wipe my hands with a clean towel.

"Lucky you he will be out most of the day since he's overlooking a project so you're safe for now." She smiles at me warmly and I offer her a shy smile. I don't even know what to say.

"You must be shocked." I said.

"Nothing ever shocking when it comes to Josephine but this is yet the best decision she made so far."

My heart warms at that thought. Knowing Josephine chose to be with me despite what we've been through. Or how we started.

"But one thing about Josephine that you will probably have difficulty dealing with is how she overthink every single thing. She's so calm when she was younger but then she never grew up to be the same. The softness is still within her but she always puts her mind to the test, thinking tirelessly of everything."

I nod, agreeing with her. She looked down at her watch and tapped me in the back. I offer her a kind smile.

"Looks like I need to be at work in ten minutes. Phoebe won't be home until ten this evening so both of you be safe." She gave me that knowing look and I just scratch the back of my head.

She's headed upstairs and since Josephine probably needs her space right now, I grab my backpack and walk to my house. Bailey wags her tail and I rub her head.

Our house looks the same the way I left it. I wonder if Phoebe's boyfriend still hangs out here. I walked my way upstairs and slumped on the bed. I looked around and my room really needs a lot of cleaning.

Before I could change my mind, I ran downstairs to get a trash bag and stuffed every empty soda can and empty my full ashtray. I forgot to turn on the AC so I'm sweating like I'm in hell.

I pulled my shirt over my head and continued sorting the mess that is my room. I sniff some clothes if it's used or not but then most of it I already used twice or even thrice a day. Soccer practice can be tiring when you're kicking the ball most of the day.

I'm shoving everything on my hamper when my shoe hit something hard under the bed. I peek underneath and find my black box. I already know what's inside it and it's been years since I checked.

I open it and a flood of memories overwhelm me but one thing on top really caught my attention. It's a polaroid picture of me sleeping and Josephine's cursive handwriting below.

"Evidence in case you deny it."

I smile and check on the pile of polaroid pictures I actually took of her without her knowing. Most of these are her smiling. She's become my favorite subject when I have my camera in my hands. Too bad it's all banged up. But then thank God for digital cameras because I can take more.

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