[𝟷𝟷] she never learns

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I woke up with the loud banging on the door, I look at my watch and noticed it's almost ten in the morning. Sam's bare body lie next to me, her breasts exposed while she stretches her body. I wish it could have some instant effect on my dick but it doesn't. She always loves to ride me, I don't know why. She feels like she's in control or something. I've always enjoyed my time with Sam but there's some gap I can't even put my finger on. Enough to quench my thirst but not leave me satisfied.

The banging on the door continued, I stood up and picked up my pants from the floor. The more the time stretches, the more the person on the other side of the door is knocking the door down. I open it and see Madison with her hair tousled, obviously just woke up.

"Did Josephine leave with Knox?" her forehead creased and I look at her confused. I wasn't able to take her home last night but I knew Knox was dead drunk.

"What are you talking about?" I step out, my shirt in hand, and slowly locked Sam's door. Everything is a mess but the cleaners will be here in an hour or so everything will be spotless in no time. "She went home alone." I said, slipping my shirt over my head.

"Obviously, she didn't." She held up her phone to my face so close I had to move away to see what it is.

It's a picture in the swimming hole we used to visit as kids, just deep in the trail we always take with Phoebe. Josephine only ever knew about this because my Phoebe knows she's so obsessed with nature or anything related. Well, Australians. One time when we were fourteen, she took us there and it became our spot ever since. Not that it ever do her any good since I always pushed her down the wooden ledge that served like an improvised diving board.

In the picture, Josephine's wearing her white bikini with small cherry prints, her hair pulled into a bun, sunglasses on while laughing at something Knox is saying. They're all cozy while holding a beer. One time she's like a scared bunny in his grasp now she looks all happy with him around. Knox is particularly violent and I've seen it too many times in games and with some girls. I've seen how he is with her, so the mystery remains why she would ever hang out with him?

The picture was posted just an hour ago. I hope they're still there and nothing bad happened. To her. My mind is racing at how awful a situation can be.

"I'll go get her." I grab my phone and my walled in the room and stepped outside.

"Hold on, I'll go with you."

Booker left me his keys since I know he's still in one of the rooms, probably wasted and fucked someone random at the party. I start the engine and Madison hopped on beside me, the concern in her face evident. I tried to keep a straight face but my heart is hammering against my chest. Nervous? I think the fuck not. More like scared shitless.


It's still a 15-minute walk from the road to the swimming hole so once we reached the road and see the path leading to it, Madison jumped out the car and walked towards. First time we got here, there's no path but a bunch of grass and flowers wildly growing. I remembered how Josephine picked up those wild flowers and keep it in between the books she always brought. Typical Josephine.

Once we're almost there, I can already hear the giggles and the shouts on the other side of those tall bushes. It's surrounded by massive trees and too so it's mostly hidden, the light comes in slightly since this part of the forest is still intact.

I walked over the vines and see a group of people in the water. One of them of course is is Jo. I think they're in some kind of a game because Knox is doing a piggy back ride for her. I'm walking down the path that is leading to the brink of the river, ready for me to confront her and ask her why she's acting like a rebel. When someone called my name from behind me.

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