[𝟺𝟽] you can't choose family

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My head is pounding so hard when I woke up. Booker and his parents must've left already. I walk to the fridge and grab some water when I noticed the note from Booker. He needed to run some errands but he'll be back. Also that I can reheat their pasta if I'm hungry. I rub my temple and chug the water afterwards. This is probably the worst part of being drunk.

I fish out my phone from my pocket and found ten missed calls from Josephine. She didn't text so I assumed she's already with her brother. I hope Jonah told her everything so I don't have to.

I pulled out the pasta from the fridge and dumped some on my plate. I put it inside the microwave oven and waited for the ding. I'm happily eating my pasta and at the same time calling back Josephine. But she's not answering.  I guess, she's too busy.

My phone lights up with another call and it's Phoebe. I hit the red button straight away. I don't want to hear anything from my family today.

I can't help but think they all planned this against my back. And my Dad being in on it just makes it worse. He was always the one who took my side but now I feel all alone.

I finish my meal and washed my plate. I don't want to be any more of a burden to Booker's family so I decide to go home. Phoebe won't be there since she's definitely still in the hospital. A part of me wanted to ask questions but also a part of me doesn't want to know why. Mother has always been opposed to every decision in my teenage life but she lost that chance when she decided to not be in my life and banish me to America. And now, even her sister, is doing the same.

I tried calling Josephine again but my phone is running out of batteries. I also tried calling Jonah but it goes straight to voicemail. I hang up the phone and drive home instead.

Once I'm parked in front of the house, I walked inside and went straight to my room to shower. After that, I played hours on the PlayStation until I felt sleepy again. I slept for hours without my phone ringing and that worried me for a bit. I looked out the window and it's dark.

That's when I heard conversations downstairs. Phoebe must be home already. I open my room to hear more of it. I peek and see her on the phone on a serious conversation with someone.

She looks up at me and I don't know if she's sad or something. She looks horrified.

"Can I talk to you?" She said after hanging up the phone.

I shrug my shoulders, rub the sleep from my eyes and walked downstairs. Dinner is already served on the table and Phoebe dragged one chair and sat on it. I sat on the opposite side.

The same routine dinner is made before she said any actual words to me.

"You must be so confused." She said.

I scoffed. "Confused? Wow. No, I'm actually not. I am beyond pissed about it. That's what I feel."

Phoebe clears her throat and sliced a piece of steak and put it in her mouth.

"That's your mother on the phone."

"Just what I thought." I chuckled.

"We just want the best for you, Hero. Don't you realize when this case pushes through and Knox wins, you lose everything? I know how important the scholarship is to you and I don't want you to just throw it at the window. It's your future that's at stake here."

"You know what? I really thought you're different from my mother. I mean, of all the people that should understand me, it's you. But no. All these years you supported me just to find out, you're just like my mother."

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