[𝟺𝟺] last minute flight

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I pack an overnight bag, stuffing everything I need and things I need to give Jonah. I don't know if Hero noticed the way I'm acting but I wanted to get away. Get away from here. He's been very supportive of me, throughout the grieving process but I needed to be alone. And I prefer that alone time with my brother. We share that connection of having Bailey in our life. He got her for me when I was around six years old. I knew it was his way of telling me he's always there for me, so he got me a best friend. But since Bailey's gone, Jonah never contacted or texted me. He would return my calls sounding like he just woke up. I'm worried for him, so I'm making this last minute flight. I wanted to know if he's okay.

"You're sure you don't want Hero to accompany you?" Mom popped her head in my room, looking down at the bag I'm currently stuffing. I grab the velvet box where Bailey's fur turned into a necklace is in and stuff it in one of the pockets.

I nod, not saying anything. "I want to make sure Jonah's okay."

"Is this about Jonah or about you?" Mom stepped inside my room and stopped my hand. I looked at her and can't stop myself from crying. She hugged me and I bury my head on the crook of her neck. I feel like I've been holding myself up for these past few weeks but my walls are finally crumbling down.

"I want to be okay, Mom, but I don't know if I'm close to being one." I sniff, holding her tight.

"Aw, sweetie, it's okay not to be okay. It's okay to want to be alone. It's part of the healing process. You don't have to pressure yourself by saying you're okay when you're not." She's the first one to let go and caged my face in her tiny hands.

I wipe my tears just as my Dad walks in the room.

"Don't cry, darling. I know everything's going to be okay." He gives me a side hug and I chuckle. I hug them both, considering myself lucky my parents are supportive of everything I do.

We hug each other for a few minutes until the oven timer pulls us out of our reverie. I wipe my nose and continue with what I'm doing just as my parents exit the room. My phone chimes with a new message. It's from Hero.

u okay??

I type a quick message and I hope I don't sound as depressed as I am right now.

feeling ok, just packing up some things

It took a few minutes before he replied and all he said was goodnight. I was curious about the fact he has a new problem with his Mom, and the fact that she wants him to go to London after high school. I know we have plans for college but now, I'm not so sure about how serious he is. He never answered my questions about college and this thing with Knox is still looming above our heads. I don't want to press charges because it will also jeopardize his scholarship. Although Knox dropped by a few times in school, he never attempted to get near me again. The one thing I'm scared right now is how would Hero react around him. I know he's angry and all but I don't think we should waste our time on people like Knox.

He didn't reply so I assumed he's already sleeping or playing his game. We still have a few events coming up with us spearheading but graduation and the graduation ball is probably the biggest before we leave high school. I need to think about what should I wear and all.

I slump my body in my bed and stare at the ceiling for another few minutes before Mom calls me for lunch.

I drag my body down the stairs and caught a whiff of my mother's signature chili. I think they've gone all in because they knew I was sad. Sadly, Daddy got called in to work, so it's just me and Mom eating lunch today.

"What was it like for you and Dad?" I ask, scooping some chili on top of my garlic bread.

"Oh!" She said like she didn't expect my question. She stammers and clears her throat. "We were high school sweethearts. But you know I didn't notice him until we're partnered in lab class."

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