[𝟺𝟿] truth hurts

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I woke up with a heavy heart knowing Jonah will be home today. In a casket. He wouldn't be able to see me play professionally. Or would see his sister do her cheer leading in a stadium. I can never imagine his homecoming to be like this. And the thought he ended his life just like that puts me into anxiety. I don't know how to tell Josephine about her parents or if I should tell her.

I stand up from bed and do my usual routine. I look at the dark circles under my eyes when I finished washing my face. Last night was uneventful too. Josephine retreated to her room during dinner and never came out again. Elizabeth apologized to me and I said it was okay. She needs time to accept things. Even myself can't think of Jonah being dead. Or think he would never come back. What happened was so tragic, everyone just copes at their own pace. But not Josephine. She's very close to her brother and I don't think she's fully accepted it yet.

Graduation is a week from now and I don't think Josephine's attending. I can convince her to but I don't think she will ever like to attend something so early after what happened.

My phone rings and it's my Mom again. I pressed the decline button and continued with my morning routine. Phoebe is not downstairs, probably picked up an early shift. I pull out the milk from the fridge and pour a hefty amount of cereal in my bowl. In the middle of pouring the milk, Booker steps in the living room like he's living here.

"Are you not going to school today, Cap?" He takes the seat across me and digs in my bowl of cereal.

I chew and looked at him. I'm not in the mood to go to school today. I need to be there for Josephine. Specially when the time comes.

"I can't today. More important things to be attended to."

"What's more important than our Graduation Ball? I mean, you and Jo are automatic King and Queen, they just casted votes today."

I'm really not surprised this will happen. We're one of the popular couples in school.

"Josephine can't attend, neither am I."

"Why?" Booker said with his mouth full.

"Her brother just died. He's coming home today."

Booker just spat all the remaining cereal in his mouth on my kitchen counter.

"What the fuck, bro?" I said, grabbing paper towels from the other side of the kitchen.

"You said he's dead, why is he coming back home?"

I want to snap him in two when the words leave his mouth but sometimes Booker is as dumb as a fly.

"What are you here for anyway?" I retreat and the thought of everything just drains me.

"Graduation ball is happening a few days early than usual. I don't know about you but you haven't missed this ball ever."

I really want to pull out a knife and stab him but he's chunky so I wouldn't be able to hide him anyways.

"I'll think about it. I still need to talk to Josephine about it. It's a tough time, Book. So if that's the only thing you came in here for, just go."

Booker looked at me and smiled, still chewing that damn cereal. I don't have any appetite anymore. He steps out, backpack slinging on one shoulder. I shake my head and continued to wipe the counter. I grab a fresh shirt from my room and went over to the Langfords. I look at the watch and Stephen should be here in a few hours.

I want to make sure I'm there for her. Her mother is attending to the funeral arrangements. I texted her before coming over. Just to let her know. I don't want to get her in a bad mood again. Today is already tough enough.

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