[𝟺𝟸] happiest year of my life

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I slept in Hero's room, which is already the norm these past few weeks. My parents seem to be okay with it and if I stayed longer in the conversation, the birth control topic might be brought up again.

The perks of having doctors as parents is sometimes educational but most of the time annoying. My Dad first went out of the house and Mom stayed saying she's not feeling well. I wanted to stay to take care of her but then she pushed me right out the door saying she can take care of herself.

Bailey's in the room as well, her whole body plopped on the floor, enjoying the cold. I stand up from the bed, still sleepy and naked, I rub Bailey's head and her tail wags. Hero's still fast asleep, his mouth slightly open.

I tiptoe to the bathroom, grabbed his shirt on the way and proceeds to wash my face. I knot my hair in a bun and looked at myself in the mirror. I look decent enough but I waste no time brushing my teeth. I pop two mints in my mouth after and lie beside Hero again. I reach for my phone on the bedside table, brushing my breasts on his chest.

"Bit, it's too early for that." He mumbles and grips my hips, caressing my ass cheek and squeezing it.

"I was just trying to get my phone." I couldn't help but giggle at his hands on my body. We haven't stopped making love ever since we went home from Ivy's Hill. It was rather an intimate moment between the two of us. I just hope he would be more open to me about what's going through his mind sometimes. I'm slightly worried about his college applications or what his future plans are.

"Go back to bed..." He taps the empty side of his bed which I was lying seconds ago until he caught my arm which is holding the phone.

My phone drops on the bed and bounced far away from me. I was about to check my emails about my applications but I guess it would have to do later. I'm already a giggling mess when I caught sight of my phone. I grabbed it and typed Jonah's name, clicked on it and his phone starts ringing.

He doesn't pick up which I shouldn't be worried about. He said he'll be busy all week with college activities. I'm pretty excited to be in college as well although some of my age won't agree with me.

I was typing in the search bar for something we can have for lunch. I'm already fed up of pasta these past few weeks. My mother seem to love Italian this month.

"Bit?" Hero called for me but I'm not looking at him since I'm still browsing on the internet. So I gave him a "hmm" and continued browsing.

He didn't call for the next few seconds and fear is evident in his voice when he called me by my name this time.

"Jo, come here." I whip my head at Hero slumped on the floor, his palm just front of Bailey's nose. I didn't get it at first glance but when I saw Bailey not moving, panic sets in. I scramble out of bed, my knees hitting the floor way too hard, but I don't mind that right now. I brush Bailey's head, trying to get a response from her but she's not moving. Not even a wag of tail.

"I'll start the car. You get dressed."

I kept brushing Bailey's hair, feeling her chest rise up and down in slow motion and coaxing her to open her eyes. I don't think I'm ready to lose her. I still have so many moments to share. Prom, graduation, college.

"Jo! Get up and get dressed!" Hero shouts at me and I wake up from my reverie. I didn't even realize I'm crying until my tears fall on my cheeks.

This cannot be happening. I know there were risks because of her recent surgery but everything went well in the house. She's feeling a whole lot better so this shouldn't be happening at all.

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