[𝟺𝟶] at peace

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Disclaimer: I know, I know, the picture is not the same Jonah you've seen chapters back but I can't find him and I needed someone with the same cleft chin and eye color (with more than one photo in the internet) so I guess the shoe fits! I just based the similarity of their looks and how I would imagine Katherine Langford to be a guy. So...


I can't quite explain the happiness I'm feeling whenever I see my brother. I don't know if it's because I haven't seen him in a while but I really thanked our parents raising us as this close. I think I cannot live my life without him or if he hadn't been my brother.

We're sitting on the park, Hero is smoking beside me, his whole body stretched on the grass. I face him and playfully grabs his face, something I'm very fond of doing.

"Are you okay?" I ask, knowing he's still thinking about the Knox incident. I just need some courage to tell him what really happened. Especially not with my brother or all hell will break loose.

He nods at me and continued on smoking while Jonah scrolls on his phone.

"How's Bailey?" Jonah asked from nowhere. I looked at Hero and he choked on his cigarette, which he never does.

I was out of words and I don't know how Jonah will take it, I'm barely getting by.

"Uh, we brought her to the vet..."

"She's sick, isn't she?" He says without looking up from his phone and sometimes it scares me how Jonah can be so calm about things.

"Well, she's under close observation right now and I'm hoping for good results."

My brother took a deep breath and looked deep into my eyes.

"When we were younger, you would always ask me if I was okay. Every morning," he chuckles, "at five years old, you're already annoying."

I laughed at that. Thinking about all the things we've done together as kids. Well, Jonah is more like a bad influence because he's way older than I am but I won't even trade those memories with anything else.

"Every time you would ask me that, there's a glint of sadness in your eyes, as if my problems were yours too. And for a long time, I would brush it off like it's nothing. Right now I can see that same glint in your eyes. You worry about me."

I look up at him and see the same sadness I heard in his voice the last time we talked.

"You know you can always talk to me about your problems." I reach out and place my hand on his arm.

He just chuckles and throws a grass at me and landed on my lap.

"It's not your responsibility to worry about me, wombat. I worry about you. That's how it goes. Always."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I say, urging him to tell me what's going on inside his mind.

He looked at me and smiled, the ray of the sun setting bouncing so beautifully on his face. I looked at my brother, my mind camera taking a forever picture of this moment.

"Would you like to see my dorm?" He asks and ignores my question.

I hate that my brother doesn't tell me things. I hate it even more when he's hiding something from me. I caught him and Hero look knowingly at each other like they know something I don't.

But they couldn't possibly, right?


We took a cab to the university, which is just a ten-minute drive from where we were. Jonah opened the door and allowed us to step in first.

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