[𝟹𝟶] day one trouble

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Thankful that Sofia knocked on the door shortly after we got lost in each other again, I stuffed my face with the big breakfast he's ordered and retrieve some fresh panties in one of my suitcases. Hoping we can do it sometime once we landed or even before we landed. I bite my lip, smiling and thinking I couldn't get enough of him. Just one look with those deep dimples showing, his brow forming arching and that sexy smirk of his.

Who would have thought I would sleep with the enemy? But then it was worth it. Although now that things are becoming real, I'm scared we need to face the outside world. I wanted us to stay in our own perfect bubble although I was really a brat most of the time.

"What are you smiling about?" he asks. He's sitting in front of me and we're eating our breakfast in a small table placed on the side of the room.

"Nothing..." I smile and shove some bacon in my mouth.

"You better think of my tongue and nothing else." He looks at me with those piercing green eyes and my body reacts. I rub my thighs together, relieving the building tension.

"You need to stop..." I softly say, playing with the remaining food on my plate because I can't suddenly concentrate anymore.

"You mean, don't stop?" He flutters his eyes and I can't help but laugh. He chuckled along. And for all the years we've seen each other, this is the first genuine laugh that I saw of him. I'm so fucking happy right now and it scares me a lot. Or maybe it's a part of me overthinking this all.

I roll my eyes at him and finished my food. Conflicted if we should continue teasing each other when we're one hour away from landing. And when I thought of that, I was overwhelmed by the fact that my parents will know, my best friend will know, the whole Trinity will know. I want to panic but I know Hero will just say they're just people. And we're finally on our last year of high school. I am pretty stoked for college but the thought of him going to London and me, well, I haven't really decided on what course and college I will be applying to. I'm just thankful my parents are supportive on everything I do. Even though my hopes are becoming a doctor when I was younger, I can't even see myself doing that profession. It's all kind of a blur.

"Have you thought of college yet?" I ask, looking into his eye.

"Do you want me to be honest?" He said while shoving a forkful of eggs. I nod at him. "I never really wanted to go to college. I just don't see the need for it."

"But for sure you'll have a scholarship from playing football..."

"Sure, but I don't even see myself playing it professionally." He shrugged his shoulders and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He wanted to have coffee with his breakfast and orange juice with mine.

"Really? I mean, I can clearly see you playing professionally but I'm surprised you don't see yourself that way." I smile. It looks like we're talking like an old couple, agreeing on wallpaper to be put inside the house. I wish we could be like this all the time. Without my overthinking mentality taking over.

"You just love seeing me sweat." He winks at me and I gasp, not believing he's really teasing me about sex all the time. Well, I can't deny the fact I want to do it with him all the time.

He finished his food and drinks his coffee. "I just want to explore my options. What about you? Do you still want to be a doctor?"

"You know what? I agree with you. I don't see myself becoming a doctor. I guess my 8-year-old self loved to see how my parents saved lives and all that but then seeing so much blood in the field made me back out." I laugh.

I remember his teammates getting bloody injuries that I can't even begin to look at. And there's him, being all bloody with Knox.

"I think you're more into causing injuries than really curing them." He points his index finger to the an inch scar on his right eyebrow.

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