[𝟷𝟺] pink hair, don't fucking care

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When Knox dropped me a few minutes ago, I noticed he lingered on the doorstep waiting for me to invite him in. But I didn't. I'm not ready to give it him just yet and I also don't want to pressure myself into giving it. Madison told me about this. She told me about her first time, that she forced herself to it because all of the other people are doing it, and it ended up the worst night of her life. I don't want to end up that way. I want my first time to be so much more than physical connection, I want it to be something emotionally powerful as well. So even if Knox's face turned sour, I asked him to come pick me up for school tomorrow. I heard a lot of things about him but the way he treats me makes me want to drown those gossips out.

I rub Bailey on the head and she whines and wags her tail. I opened the fridge and got me some granola bar Jonah made before going to Boston. I really hope he had a safe drive. My brother can be pretty reckless sometimes and I experienced it personally. He's an adrenaline junkie that's why he signed up for so many extreme sports when he first went to college. Like his life will end the next day if he won't live it. I admired him for that. Being so carefree about everything but it sometimes cause his safety. One time he was rushed to the hospital during a snowboard accident and he's 10,000 miles away. Our parents gave him an earful over Skype but they were concerned if he's okay.

I feel the sweat on my skin stick to my shirt and think it's time to shower. I don't have to do my daily routine so I guess I will have a quick shower and just dip in the bathtub for a few minutes before I do my homework. I run up the stairs to my room and opened the door. I drop my backpack on my perfectly made bed and removed my hair ties. I strip down to my undies and throw my cheer outfit in the hamper. I walked in my bathroom and picked up my pink brush and run it over my hair. This always give best results after I take a shower. After a few brushes here and there, I step in the shower and turn the knob. I grabbed my shampoo, squirt it in my palm and lather it on my hair. My eyes are still closed because I always love getting random thoughts while in the shower. I rinse and grabbed another bottle for my conditioner and when I opened my eyes, there's pink all over my hands. And it's fuchsia pink. I rinse the color from my hands and stepped out of the shower. I checked my hair and the dye quickly settled with my hair. No matter how hard I wipe it, it's still there.

I feel like screaming and I don't know what to do. I have never dyed my hair darker before what more in pink color? I continue rinsing and strip my undies and scrubbed my body off the dye residue. I know who did this and he's so paying for this. First, I need a hair appointment.

I dialed Hero's number but it just keeps going to voicemail. I have tons of homework to do and I really want to smack him on the face right now but I need a revenge. One thing he won't even think I will do. I must admit, of all the pranks we've done ever since we were kids, his was always planned out perfectly. I won't see it until it bites me on the face. He's that good. So, I need to up my game for this.

I dry my now pink hair and pulled a notebook from my bag. I need a laid-out plan. Step by step, slowly and well thought. I won't let him get away with this. People loves gossip and I just know I will be center of everyone's attention tomorrow. Once I have written my plan, I scan it to make sure I'm doing it right.

1. Convince Sam he's cheating

2. Baking soda and vinegar bomb in his locker

3. Superglue???

4. Icy hot lotion???

I shake my head and thought that all of this, I have been done already and failed at it. But I know I will come up with that one bright idea, unfortunately it's not now. I grab my phone and dialed the salon I usually get my hair done.

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