[𝟺𝟹] piece by piece

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It's been two weeks since we lost Bailey and I'm glad Josephine is slowly being her normal self again. Aside from the occasional moments she would cry over something she saw and remembered Bailey. I would always assure her and comfort her.

It's a Wednesday and aside from practice, I needed to help Phoebe with groceries since her car is still under repair, so I get off early from school. I was waiting for Josephine outside in my car when I receive a text from her.

"Babe..." it says. I decided to call her instead. I'm sure she's in the gym rehearsing new recruits.

She picks up the phone on the third ring. "Hey..." she said, the background noise mostly commands being shouted.

"What's up? You texted me." It became a routine that I don't go home without her. Last time was traumatic enough to begin with. I don't want it happening again.

"I need to stay." Her voice tells me she already regrets telling me that. She knows how I would react.

"What? Why?" I ask, leaving the car and ready for me to interrupt their midday practice.

"I need to stay for a meeting." She sighs, knowing this would be a full blown argument. "And it's going to take longer than usual. I don't want you waiting on me."

"Bit..." I think I gripped my phone too hard, I heard something crack. Or maybe it's my teeth with how I'm grinding on it. I don't know.

"Don't worry about me, I'm safe. I have the girls in here. We'll be in a room and I'll call you right away once we're done." She rambles on.

"Are you sure?"

"Hero..." she sighs again, this time almost pissed. I look around and the school is still busy, still early for the security to go home. I tell myself it's okay and I end the phone call. I texted Madison just to make sure. Maddie said she'll keep an eye on her and somehow that's enough for me.

I turn on the engine and drive to the hospital Phoebe works and drop her off the grocery. Usually it takes about thirty minutes to an hour depending on my aunt's mood. And I think she's on walking-by-the-park-to-smell-the-fresh-air mood today so I think we'll be here awhile.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and one unread message from Josephine. She loves taking pictures or selfies and sending them to me. This one is a picture of their usual meeting room, with all of them inside. Bickering and talking about events and whatnot. That eased my mind.

My reverie is interrupted when my phone rings. It's not Josephine. It's my mother. I swiped on the green button and regretting that decision when my phone is over my ear.

"When are you going to tell me?" she whispered calmly and my mother never does that.

"Tell you what?"

"Knox Finley? Does that ring a bell?"

I'm sure I just about groaned about hearing his name and the mere fact my mother knows about it.

"I'm handling it, Mom." I sighed, not wanting to give more information. Not wanting to give her reign on me, because she always do.

"You're handling it?" she chuckles, like the way she chuckled when her and Dad would fight. It's a sound that's embedded to my skull, I can't unhear it. "How are you handling it, Hero? How?!"

I stayed silent while she seemed like she's pacing back and forth. I can hear her every step.

"I am going to fix this for you but you promise me one thing, right now. No buts, no excuses."

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