[𝟷] oh, hey there neighbor

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Josephine, eleven years old

As I tie my shoe laces, I try it to be as neatly tied as possible. I bring the loop twice and finish it with a bow. I always want it to look perfect while I walk my way to the side of the street, waiting for the school bus. My worn-out pink Converse are doing the perfect effect. I wanted it to look as if I've been skating every day, which I'm never allowed to do by the way, so I always sneak the steel brush from the garage that my dad uses and brush my sneakers five strokes a day, and eventually got the effect I wanted. My Mom never wanted to buy me black ones. "They look punk!" she said. So, this would suffice. I always wanted vintage stuff but Mom and Dad won't ever let me get old things because it might fall apart or just trash bin worthy. I love broken things because they don't pretend to be perfect. They look old, worn out, used and they feel different when you run your fingers above the surface.

I adjust the strap of my equally worn out back pack, which I have been using since second grade, I don't even remember when. But it was a gift from my grandpa and I've kept it ever since.

"You forgot your lunch!" someone shouted on the porch next door. I see someone with thick brown hair sticking out everywhere, thin body frame running away from the same voice who's calling out for him. I notice he's holding a skateboard, graffiti painted underneath it. He's gripping it for dear life, his knuckles are white. He whipped his face to what seems I think is his Mom and glared at her.

I'm walking towards the street and I'm facing his direction so he caught my eye while I look at both of them. His eyes were green but they're so angry, furious even so I look down. It looks like he's angry at his Mom which wouldn't make any sense. We all should love our Moms. I love my Mom.

He stomps, I can hear his skateboard scraping on the ground towards their porch. They don't look familiar. They must be new here. Instead of looking at the brooding boy, I look up at his Mom. Her hair is braided, falling on her shoulder. It's braided neatly, I space out while I look at it. I love how neatly braided it was then she smiled and waved at me.

"Hi!" I said, rather loudly. The boy is full on glaring at me. His obviously so lost in his angry world.

"Oh hello! Are you our neighbor?" His Mom asked me, I noticed she's wearing work clothes. Pink scrubs. My cousin, Beth, had the same costume for Halloween and I still don't get it 'til now. Is a nurse supposed to be scary?

"Yes, I'm Josephine. I live next door." I'm fixated on the friendly face in front of me but all I can hear is him huffing. I try so hard not to look at him but he's making it so hard not to.

"Hi, Josephine. We moved just last night. I'm Phoebe." She held her chest and smiled sweetly at me and I smiled back.

"And this is Hero. Hero say hi." That's the time I looked down, stared at black Converse with tiny holes in it. I can tell his shoes are worn out in a real way, not like mine. My mom always said first impressions last so I'll be as nice as possible. I held out my hand in front of him but he's still glaring, looking at my hand like it's his enemy. I feel like he's digging a hole on my outstretched hand just by looking at it. I waited and waited but he just stared at it. Phoebe makes up for Hero's attitude and shook my hand instead even though I already did. She seems to be such a sweet person.

"Okay, honey, I'm just going to grab your lunch and you can go." Phoebe sandwiched his face in between her hands, forcing him to look up and I caught sudden movement of his eyes towards me. Still in rage.

I know they just moved but I'm being as friendly as I can. With my Mom and Dad working mostly the day, I need to make friends. Preferably neighbors that I can hang out with more often. My brother is in Junior high school so he doesn't want to hang out with me. He's more into wooing girls than hanging out with his own sister. He's a grown up with grown up friends he prefers to hang out with. Aside from Madison, Adam, Philly and Cass who are my close friends, I always believe you can make new friends and you can keep them. Even angry ones.

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