Lesson O1

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Chapter 15: The Training punishment

It was eleven at night. Jimin was in his room, reading a book on non verbal language. Jin entered his room, Jimin was startled by his sudden appearance but not surprised. Jin smiled as he stood there respecting the younger's privacy.

"May I ?" He asked, the younger nod and gestured to the older to enter. Jin sat on the bed across from the younger one.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you Jiminshii ?"

" No, you aren't Mr. Kim Seokjin." Jimin replied politely addressing him with the full name of the man.

"We didn't get to greet each other. So I thought, why not introduce myself to you properly."

"I know Mr. Seokjin. You are the mother of the group, Jin for short, Kate is your gang name, pink is your favorite color. You handle the situations on the legal stage, that's your speciality, you adore the rest as your own. You are the legal advisor of Venom's and CEO of Mr. Jeon's company." Jimin completed and continued to read his book.

" I don't think we need to know about each other more than this. " Jimin commented placing the book aside at the night table to his left.

" Woah! I am impressed but Expected from you. You can call me Jin hyung or Kate for illegal matters as you say it." Jin said with a wink.

" You can ask me anything, Jin Hyung. Which you wish to know, Don't beat around the bush."

" Wait. How did you know that I was about to ask something, is it because of that book." He pointed at the non verbal language book. Jimin chuckle as he shook his head with a small smile on his face.

" Can I !? " Jin asked with an arched brow, receiving a nod.

" How did Yoongi convince you ? " Jin saw a change in Jimin's smile. He has experience in holding meetings. He knows when a person is faking or when convinced and happy. He noticed how Jimin's smile earlier was fake but now it held emotions.

" I don't know." He shrugs," You can say he just emits trusting vibes to me, that even his harsh words will comfort me and won't pain me. "

There was silence, both didn't say anything until Jin let out a chuckle.

" You are something to him because you know he doesn't show his soft side too easily. We all know he cares for us but to you, he shows that soft side without thinking twice." Jin said, patting his back and Jimin smiled.

" Can I ask you something Jin hyung ?"

" Yeah, sure. Ask. " Jin said, directing his full attention to Jimin.

" Why did you guys bring me into this out of nowhere ? "

" Jimin, This isn't my work but Namjoon's. Taehyung's order, his work and planning, are the ones who brought you to us. We all got to know about you, when you first met us. That you are going to be our Pretty Distraction."

What's up with them, how much do they know about me?

" Oh it's getting late, you should sleep. Let's now forget you have training tomorrow." Jin started getting up from the bed, moving to the door of the room. Not giving a chance to Jimin to ask anything further.

Mafia's Destiny | Vmin | Version 1 Mafia's Destiny  | Taehyung•Jimin•JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now