The Actual Encounter

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Chapter 03: The Actual Encounter

<Somewhere in a dark room >

To get his attention we need a pawn to get him to us " The man with the specs completed taking back his seat to end their hours to discussion.

" Doesn't he know, everyone of them. Let's not forget he worked for us once. It won't be easy to get him. Anyone he sees related to us, he will run away again." Viper pointed it out while cleaning his favorite gun.

" So, what do we do now?" Another one worriedly commented.

" Kate, Don't get worked up for this one, he ain't even worth our time. If we miss him here, he will be back to us again." Man in a suit patted the back of Kate. The guy with the specs frowned, shook his head.

" We will get him later but the doc he stole will leak, which is something we can't risk." The rest all went silent to the information looking at their boss, who turned to the silent killer of their group. 

" Any suggestions Suga?" Viper asked, following the eyes of their boss, Suga, who was leaning back with his closed eyes all this time, finally looked at the rest.

" We need a beautiful Distraction." Making their boss smirked at the suggestion.

"Start looking for it RM and Let's finish it once we return back."

< At the company >

" Taehyung we have cleared but still no one we found that would suit our job here." His friend commented, tossing himself on the seat as Namjoon entered the room adjusting the specs.

" Taehyung, we are done with the work here. When will you wish to return back? "

" In three days." Taehyung commented without taking his eyes of the pages he was signing.

" I will leave, I have to look into someone's information." Namjoon informed admiring the picture of the boy Taehyung butler has just sent him.

< After three days >

Three days passed with fun and enjoyment for both Jiwoo and Jimin. They played a lot, Jimin spent his entire time caring for Jiwoo. They also gave each other nicknames Jimin calls Jiwoo as 'babes' and Jiwoo calls Jimin 'Jiminie'.

Today was Jimin planned to spend his entire day with Jiwoo, as he was off from studying today after Jimin requested his grandfather to give leave to Jiwoo and after two hours of running behind Mr. Grayson, his efforts were paid.

" Babes is sleeping. So don't disturb him. Today, he ran a lot." Jimin informed the lady as he decided to leave.

I don't think they even need a playground to play, this mansion is big enough to get lost, Jimin thought to himself as took out a novel and started to read. Hours passed until He noticed the time. It was nine he was supposed to leave by eight.

He reached the mansion gate ready to leave, when he heard the lady calling his name. She was breathing heavily.

" Mr. Jimin, Baba is crying and asking for you." She informed him all the staff was panicking as Mr. Grayson wasn't present in the mansion, he didn't return since morning.

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