The Switch

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Chapter 07: The Switch 

"Where would u like me to prove you." Jimin shrugged innocently, Zhang gulped his drink in one go and  pulled Jimin close by his wrist harshly.

"so how about in my car ? "

"I would love that." Jimin said biting his lip seductively. Zhang snake his arm in Jimin's waist. "lets go angel." whispered in Jimin. they stared each other with lustful gazed. their gaze was interrupted by a voice.


"yes sweetheart." Jimin said moving his gaze to Taemin.

"You will need this" Taemin handed a thing to Jimin and winked at Jimin.

"oh! how can I forget ? You think about my comfort so much, Thanks sweetheart." giggle innocently said looking at the thing and slipping it in his pocket.

"I hope, we will meet soon." Jimin said lastly leaving.

"I am ready, let's go handsome." Jimin whispered to Zhang.

"me too." Taemin murmured to himself with a chuckle.

Zhang took Jimin outside of the club in the parking lot, started moving to his car handling Jimin who is little bit tipsy.

"I didn't know angel, you are light weighted huh! couldn't handle few shot or is my paid drink started to  work on you." Zhang said throwing Jimin in the back seat and hovering on him with a evil smirk.

Zhang started unbuttoning few buttons, bent down and bite at Jimin collarbone to which Jimin hissed

"Sassing me earlier huh~ "

Jimin plump lips tilted up in the corner before released a small giggle, causing Zhang to smirk at the obliviousness at the situation.

"I want you to look at me." Zhang breathed out.

" you look so good under me baby." Zhang lifted him up to look at helpless man under to again go down to bite but suddenly his head started to hurt and spinning to lack of attention  Jimin whined.

" desperate ?" Zhang commented to Jimin whining and moved close to when Jimin suddenly spring up and push Zhang onto his back instead and injected a liquid in the neck. Jimin pressed his palm against Zhang to prevent him from screaming out of pain. Zhang was frozen in shock, staring up to Jimin with wide eyes trying to understand what just happen. His reaction made the other smirk brightly and laugh in his face.

"oh you look so good under me baby~" Jimin mocked referring to Zhang's own words resulting in another Snickers leaving his lips.

The helpless Jimin had disappeared and left with sassy Jimin with mischievous taunting gaze which was not helping Zhang with pain. The Switch~

Jimin face began to blur together as Zhang gazed at Jimin who moved away from Jimin placing him on the opposite site of the limbo. Jimin giggled, watching in amusement as Zhang tried to sit up and end up falling back on the sit.

" Quit trying ! It will only bring you more pain baby." Jimin said looking at his reflection at the window and emphasizing the word baby more and more.

"oh my ! I do look tempting, don't u think Zhang baby." Jimin said moving his gaze from the window to Zhang.

" Why didn't the drink worked on you ?" Zhang was confused. " to that I would just say I think you didn't pay the boy enough."

"w..w..who a..are you?" Zhang said trying to stare conscious.

"of course! your angel baby now be a good boy and sleep." moving out of the limbo with that Zhang black out.

" I see someone had fun huh!" The man with a black mask said looking at Jimin who was annoyingly dressing his clothes properly.

" fun ?"  he scoff " I am disgusted, you would have been made me feel so much better....."

.. sweetheart" Jimin said turning to the man.

" Is it angel ?" Taemin said removing his mask.

with that they both started laughing.


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