Shadow's Target

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Chapter 23: Mr. Park's New Target

Everyone was stressed, angry, no one knew till now how Shadow looks like or even his age but he knew everything about them, including transactions but none of them knew he is and why exactly he wants this time.

"- back to yesterday. We got the letter from Shadow himself and now we know Jimin is their target in order to hurt V." Jin completed slamming the record containing all information they know about Shadow but it only contains his letter and call records. No matter how much they wish to deny the fact that this Shadow. Taehyung took the record as he sighed before stating," Jimin wasn't his target."

" Clearly he is in the photos, what are you even saying ?" Jin pointed out to him, Taehyung shook his head and pressed a button on the remote, projecting the photos to the screen.

" Kook is also in photos." Jungkook chuckled at the thought," Me ? we are stressing for no reason ?" Namjoon remained silent, when Jin stated " Exactly Jungkook is fine-"

" but why ?" Namjoon said looking at Jungkook, " the letter wasn't from Kai but Shadow, he is smart but still chose you, when you clearly was there with us."

" Because he was bored." Suga entering the room, " and was looking for entertainment."

Hoseok was relieved to see him, it wasn't that much of a time to see him but to talk to him, get him back and he got up to do so.

"Yooni-" Before he could complete, Yoongi gave him a death glare and gesture to get back and he did exactly the same. Jin sat watching them in silence, Yoongi's matter wasn't is place to meddle in.

Rest didn't question Suga about his absence as if they would get anything from asking from it.

" but the way you both reacted gave him something he wasn't even looking for. " Yoongi completed taking his seat, " this is what it is called Serendipity.." he taunted the two youngers.

" Hyung. So what do you mean,we were supposed to seat back and relax staring at our photos ? " Jungkook snapped rolling his eyes, facing Yoongi.

" That would have been better then beating his man up. You got him all worked up that he decided his new target, someone important to you." Yoongi replied back.

"Suga, his target was Jungkook not Jimin." Namjoon remarked, Suga smirked at Taehyung," He wasn't but he is now." who shut his eyes at the truth being revealed to the rest.

" How can you be so sure Yoongi ?" Jin asked taking seat next to Hoseok patting him to calm down.

" I wasn't but my sweet cousin Jack himself confirmed with one of us last night. Right V ?" He looked over to Taehyung who scoff at the same." I think you didn't tell them about his call last night to you huh? " Taehyung looked at Jungkook, who was looking back at him straighten his back. He didn't wanted the rest to know about this especially Jungkook.

" Tae, did you get a call from that bastard ?" Jungkook asked Taehyung with clearly disbelief.

" It is nothing kook, don't overreact." Taehyung replied  rubbing his head while Suga scoffed commenting.

" you expect the lover boy, not to react. When he clearly is gone for his Jiminie. " Suga chuckled  to Jungkook.

His Jiminie. Taehyung tightened his jaw.

" You didn't find this important enough to inform me, to us !?" Jungkook threw the cigarette box from his hand.

" kook chill. It is no big deal ! " Hoseok said  without getting completely involved in the conversation. "- anyways why are you bother so much ? He didn't inform but we know now. It's over."

Mafia's Destiny | Vmin | Version 1 Mafia's Destiny  | Taehyung•Jimin•JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now