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Chapter 25: Another letter from Shadow

Jin entered with Taehyung and Jimin by his side. Namjoon and their doctor Mark help Taehyung to the his room for his treatment leaving Jimin, Jin and Hosoek behind. Jin turned to Jimin and give him a sharp push on to the sofa to Hoseok looked at him with disbelief.


" Jimin  what happened today, tell me everything, why he got shot ?" Jimin answered without any taunt as Jin was really pissed that he didn't even listen to Hoseok.

" I don't know who were they ? he met me on his way back and offer a ride then we saved a lady from dying then he got out of the car and I heard a shot, he came back in , and I saw his arm bleed that's-"

Jin cut him off and caught him by his collar " he isn't a amateur that can't even dough a bullet shot Jimin." Jimin was not expecting this from Jin. He replied in soft voice " He isn't I know but he must be tired- Argh."

Jimin yelp in agony as Jin tightened his grip on his neck. Hoseok saw the red strain on Jimin clothes when he noticed his neck.

"JIN FUCKING HELL. GET YOUR HANDS OFF THE KID. HE IS BLEEDING." Hosoek jumped in between detaching Jin from Jimin, pushing him back as he looked at the Jimin's neck. Jimin started to cough but that was even more painful for him as it was affecting his neck wound.

" Jimin what happened to your neck ?" Hoseok asked with soft voice with concern.

" When I was shooting the men, a bullet just passed by my neck." Jimin replied awkwardly at Hoseok soft gesture towards him, listening to Jimin.

Jin realized that he didn't check Jimin, it was not just Taehyung but Jimin was out there to, instead took out his anger on him.
Jin took a step towards Jimin to look for the wound.

" Let me treat hi-" Jin lift his hand to look for it properly but Hoseok didn't let him.

" I will do that. You clear your mind first and contact Suga, Jungkook. Inform them about this." with that Hosoek pulled Jimin out of there with him and took him to his room.

<Time skip>

Jin was looking in space when Namjoon sat next to him.

" Jin! he is fine, it's was just his arm. You know what he has gone through before.."

" I know joon, I am not-" before Jin could say anything further, Mark came out and joined them.

" Mark is he fine ?" Namjoon asked walking upto Mark who smiled back at him.

" RM nothing to worry about. He is fine just need rest, medication and other requirement I have kept in his room next to his bed."

"Thanks buddy. The money will reach your account." they shook hands." He is awake though." he winked and with that Mark left. Namjoon saw Jin on call with Yoongi.

" Let pay a visit to the Dragons. " putting dagger in the scabbard under his blazer with a smirk plastered on his face.

<In Jimin's room>

After few minutes he entered the room with a first aid box. He moved towards Jimin placed himself opposite to him.

" look up Ero." Hoseok ordered to which Jimin followed without a single thought. The wound wasn't that deep but still painful. Hosoek was cleaning the blood from the wound and now was applying antiseptic liquid, his gesture and the distance between them were making Jimin very very uncomfortable especially after all that he have done to the other which the other wasn't aware of. The red eyes and swollen bags below the eyes of the other was because of him.

Mafia's Destiny | Vmin | Version 1 Mafia's Destiny  | Taehyung•Jimin•JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now