Caring Hyung

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Chapter 16: Nicknames

Jimin was sobbing in his room, his heart rate was high and not calming at all. When he heard a knock on the door. He wiped his face fastly. Yoongi enters the room followed by Jin. Jin was asked to treat Jimin by Namjoon. But he knew right now Jimin wanted someone to calm him down which he wasn't but yoongi.

" I will excuse you both. Call me when he is calm." Jin whispered to Yoongi and left them alone.

Yoongi sat on the bed, patting space next to him for Jimin to sit. Jimin wasn't looking at Yoongi. His eyes were puffed up from crying, he was still red and his body was hot, he was still feeling the fear which happened in the morning on the track. Yoongi creased Jimin's back.

" Let it out bud ! " And burst out crying.

" he-he l-eft D..og be--hind m..e.."

Jimin was shaking while explaining the fear to Yoongi, he was unable to breathe. Yoongi brought him to hug, Jimin broke down and started to sob in Yoongi's embrace.

" Hyung, they were my fear. He used them to punish me."

" Now you are fine, they are no longer there, are they ?" Yoongi said softly after a few minutes, Yoongi could feel Jimin calming down as his heartbeat was normal. They retract from the hug. Yoongi wiped the tears from Jimin's face.

" Are you okay now, kid ?'' Jimin nodded," drink water and get your wounds treated, I have work to attend. '' Handed a glass of water from the night stand to him. Yoongi asked Jin to come as he left.

Jin started treating the small scratches and sprains, Jimin was looking down at the treatment.

" Jimin ! don't hate him. He might be harsh in training but isn't a bad person. " Jin informed him, awkwardly smiling.

" I know Hyung. He just did that to discipline me, I understand that. You don't have to worry." Jimin said, still looking at his wounds.

" If you are done. Excuse me, I have to be there for training at 2pm. Thank you." Jimin left the room leaving Jin behind.

He is so mature of his age. Jin thought, looking at the door.


Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung were in the meeting room discussing something that happened in room 13 in the morning. When the door open as Yoongi entered.

" Hyung. Why did you leave the dogs behind him ? You know he might have gotten killed by her." Jungkook asked Namjoon without even masking the anger he was feeling.

Taehyung and Hoseok were surprised at the new information. They didn't know anything about the morning training, when they got to know about it they didn't expect Namjoon to go so harsh on Jimin, he was the most sorted man among them but never go this far.

" Jungkook, focus on the work, stay out of it." Namjoon warned him and left unbothered to room 13.

" How can he-" before Jungkook could yell and Yoongi cut him off.

" Jungkook, don't get angry about this. Let Namjoon do what he is doing. " Yoongi stated while going through the files on his table. All the three were shocked from Yoongi being unbothered by this, they all heard about Jimin fears and Yoongi not reacting to it wasn't something they expected.

" Suga hyung, You saw him crying but still you aren't bothered.'' Jungkook was pissed because Jimin crying wasn't something he even like to imagine.

" Jungkook, it's good for him. There isn't a place for fear in our life. I know Jimin knows about it too. He isn't dumb and he will face them." Yoongi said very calm though Yoongi couldn't bring himself to see Jimin cry but its for his good because he have to see worst as a mafia.

" but-" Jin entered.

" Kook, Yoongi is right. Jimin knows why Namjoon did that to him. So you don't worry and Also, Namjoon said no one will meet Jimin during his training time and no one will object." Jin completed pointing at Jungkook.

And just like that everyone got back to their work except two. Hoseok and Taehyung.

Hoseok was just looking at Yoongi and thought, how he knows, cares, adores someone he just met but does not even bother to spare a glance to someone like him. He was sure he had no chance of getting Yoongi to return his feelings and This thought was breaking him inside.

And as for Taehyung, he wasn't comfortable with the thought of Jimin undergoing this harsh training and crying. He did not like the idea of seeing tears in an angel's face. How much he didn't want to think such a thing or to push this feeling he wasn't able. he didn't know why he felt that way about Jimin ! why?

<At the training>

Namjoon went to the room and saw Jimin already standing at the center. Namjoon went in front of Jimin and instructed him how to hold a gun, posture and to shoot. After learning every gun posture it was already past nine. Jimin being tired was an understatement.

" Done for today. Tomorrow at five in the morning sharp." Namjoon said and was about to leave, Jimin stopped him. Namjoon turned with a confused face.

" Sorry for this morning. Thank you for letting me face my fear. Good night." Jimin smiled, bowed and left.

Jimin knew he was wrong, looking at all of them he knew they didn't want to harm him and he just had to accept them and trust them. He was gonna listen to them. Jimin left but didn't listen to Namjoon chuckling behind.

<In the Room>

Jimin came out of his bathroom after a long shower to relief his tiredness, dressed in his comfortable night suit and found two mugs filled with milkshake placed at the nightstand.

" Who kept these here? " He asked himself.

" It's me." He turned around saw Jungkook standing at the doorstep smiling at him.

" I thought it might help you to relieve your stress from the training. Also, I might get to spend some time with you, if you have no problem with that." Jimin smiled at the man who stood there waiting for him to accept the offer and he could enter.

" No, I don't have any objection to Jungkookshii."

Jungkook sat down on the bed next to Jimin. They talked for hours about random stuff, laughing at each others, embarrassing experience.

" You know you have a bunny-like smile ?" Jimin asked, pointing at his smile. Jungkook nodded with a smile.

" Jiwoo once mentioned this to me and so call me 'Kookie'."

" He is indeed good at giving names that suit you. Can I call you that too ? " Jimin asked waiting for an answer with doe eyes. Jungkook just got lost in them.

' It would sound so cute coming from you '

' It would sound so cute coming from you '

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" Sorry, you said something." Jimin's voice snapped Jungkook from dreaming.

" Oh I said yeah sure. "

" Thank you."

They spend a few more hours talking until midnight. Jungkook leaves for Jimin to sleep.

" Good night Kookie."

'I can listen my name for my whole life' Jungkook thought looking at Jimin leaving the room which he didn't want to.

" Good night Minie. "

Mafia's Destiny | Vmin | Version 1 Mafia's Destiny  | Taehyung•Jimin•JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now