The Flashback II

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Chapter 09: The Flashback II

"who sam ?"

" The person who have been asked to help you for tomorrow. " Before he could any question Mr.lee wished him Good night and left.

Jimin being extremely hungry entered in his room to have food but only meeting with a man having his meal.


"Oh so you must be Jimin I guess, sorry to have your food sweety but I was pretty hungry."

"No problem. Sam I guess." To Jimin being hungry didn't matter cause by judging this Sam guy. He realise he was being genuine about being hungry.

" Yeah. SAM is my gang name. What is your name sweety ?"  Sam said winking at Jimin.

" It's Jimin Sweetheart~" returning the wink back to Sam. To see why Jimin being chosen by Namjoon for this mission he try to gather information from Jimin. Of course, by seducing him. Sam walked towards Jimin and pass him by to which Jimin turn to face him and find him locking the door and staring at Jimin with a cheesy grin.

"what's that for ?" Jimin asked taking a bite from the plate being calm at Sam act.

" Just thought of spending some alone time with a cutie. Can't I ?"Sam said moving around Jimin.

"Oh, of course. "Jimin respond with excited eyes. Sam didn't expected the reaction form the younger.

"Why are you still standing there. Weren't you hungry earlier, come I will feed you. " he completed making a bite to feed Sam, to which he shook his head.

Sam still went on with his plan tried the other way. He  moved closer to younger who is still standing near the bed with a spoon in his hand. He took the spoon from younger's grip put it back on the plate.

" You don't wanna eat that ?"  He stared at Sam as the other eyed younger from top to bottom and move further close to Jimin leaving no space between then and whisper in his ear.

"How about I have you ?" moving away to look at younger's face to see his victory but he didn't expect what  happen next.

Jimin yank his arms at youngers waist brought him closer back and whispered back to Sam seductively.

" Sure, I am all yours sweetheart~" He bite his earlobe that some action made send shiver down Sam' spine then Jimin retracted from Sam and see him with eye widened and blushing. Jimin moved back to bed from him and sat on the bed and looked intensely at Sam resulting him to look down at his feet shyly.

"So you done with seducing me Sam, if Yes, How about join me for dinner ?" Jimin said looking at Sam.

" You knew ?"

" Of course sweetheart, but seriously you should have seen your face, you were blushing so hard to my comment."

'Now I understand why he is chosen'

Sam went to the bed sat opposite of Jimin against the plate and extended his hand to Jimin, Jimin looked at his hand then at him.


Jimin gave him a questioning look.

" Taemin is my real name, it's a nice meeting you Jimin."

"oh same here sweety~" Jimin said winking at Taemin who chuckled.

" I must say you are quite observant and seductive." Taemin said referring the act which happened just few minutes ago.

"Oh thank you but I must say you looked quite cute, when you were blushing."

"No one ever was able to make me blush how you did. I am indeed impress Jimin." He commented pointing at Jimin to which Jimin pats his back continued eating.

" How about we discuss what have to do tomorrow Jimin." referring to the task they have been assigned.

" By looking at your reaction. I think I do know what I will do. " Jimin said looking at the picture in the file.

"And what I am suppose to do." Taemin said pointing at himself.

"I just want you to bring something which can drug someone to sleep for few hours and go with the flow with me. Okay sweetheart~" winking to Taemin resulting Taemin to giggle at younger behavior.

"but that is after you bring him out but what to do before that." confused Taemin asked.

" Leave that to me."

" Fine." Teamin said contacting someone for the drug. "Done~" Taemin said to Jimin.

For few hours they both talked to eachother and found that they were very much fun in many way. They both didn't have friends because of people judging them and they love for cat.

By the end, they became friends.

" Taemin, Do you how to make cocktail ?" Jimin asked out of blue.

" Yeah, what about that ?" Taemin said looking at Jimin.

" Good then let's have a Tonic tomorrow." with that Taemin got a hint about what Jimin was talking about and they both started laughing to the plan.


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