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Chapter 24 : Don't shut me, Princess!

<In The Evening>

" its already five. Where is he ?" Taehyung was looking the time on his phone swinging on his chair. Namjoon noticed Taehyung sighing for nth time in last few hours for no reason. when he started to pretend to be talking to himself.

" I have to inform Jimin about his next mission." he noticed Taehyung listening to him very closely and a small.

" what ?" He smiled continued his act, he rubbing his hand on his temple." I forget he doesn't live in mansion anymore. Don't know either." Taehyung nodded to himself.

when Namjoon turn to him Taehyung panicked and picked a random book started reading it. Namjoon chuckled himself and walked towards Taehyung laughing silently.

" you must be really tired to read a book upside down." Namjoon took the book from his hand and placed in back on the table.

" I was just cracking a puzzle of our plan in my mind."

" I didn't ask you why you are reading book like that I just said you must be tired working on your business and this underworld stuff but you can continue planning and i'll excuse myself." Namjoon said taking his phone in one hand and coffee mug in other.

" Do you know Jimin's college hours end at six today ?" Taehyung sit up properly and took a file from his side table.

" wait.. why are you telling me ? " he stuttered when Namjoon shrugged his shoulder looking at the mails on his phone.

" just thought of informing. He must be tired from college but now think it wasn't needed to say right ?" he looked up, Taehyung left already," But you wanted to know !" He chuckled .

Namjoon then saw Jungkook leaving with his car keys swinging arounds his index finger happily jumping.

" Someone is on his way to pick up someone."


" you are here. Good, I have to discuss stuff with you." Jungkook tilt his head and said " Hyung, I have to meet to someone."

Namjoon arched his eyebrow questioning " Someone?" when Jungkook completed with a smile "..important."

Namjoon nodded in understanding " I won't stop you then I will give this mission to someone else with Jimin." he said turning to take a leave when Jungkook jumped up.

" Jimin, what mission ? " then realization hit him. " Hyung mission is important. let's discuss that first. I will apologize to that someone later in person."

Namjoon controlling his laugh turn to face Jungkook. " Are you sure. I can pass this mission to Yoongi or Hoseok if you are busy." Jungkook set forward.

" Why to trouble them, you just discuss with me. I will let Jimin today itself."

" He is so easy for these thing."Namjoon thought. "Let's discuss then. "

Taehyung's POV

I am here, waiting for hours. When will this damn thing leave the students.

" only twenty five minutes. I sm here for only twenty five minutes. I am happy I am homeschooled."

It was around six now when I saw a familiar figure walking up to campus gate with some library book in his hand making his way to the bus stop.

" can't he see this car. Aren't we paying him enough money to buy a car. What 's with the books. Seriously these college burden the students with those many book and on top of that he decided to travel in bus." I turned my car towards the direction he was walk.

Mafia's Destiny | Vmin | Version 1 Mafia's Destiny  | Taehyung•Jimin•JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now