Little Taehyung

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Chapter 29: Drunken Tae

Jimin returned to the mansion in mid when everyone were asleep, no one was around. He moved to the kitchen to drink water out of the fridge. Extremely tried from all the chaos happened and then the flashes were enough to drain his energy. Consumed by his thought, thanking about how no one is around as he closed his eyes.

" Bud."

He sighed before facing Yoongi, who was getting down the stairs to him.

" you were out ?"

" Yeah, just got caught up with a friend and lost the track of time." Jimin replied with a shrug, Yoongi nodded with him while filling the water in the jug.

" you should sleep, you look tired." Yoongi commented noting the dullness on Jimin's face, to which Jimin turn to leave the room, when he remember something.

When Kai said to him in pain of rejection_" he chose them over me, u know what he call them Jimin, his family, not me but them " _

" Hyung. Can I ask you something ?" Yoongi replied with a sure leaving the kitchen with Jimin but he stop as he heard him.

" Do the rest know about you meeting with Jack the other day ?" Jimin asked with a unreadable expression with a smirk hidden behind.

Yoongi eyes darkened as he faced Jimin clearly annoyed by the question.

" You followed me ?"

' I don't need to !' Jimin wished he called reply with it out loud but he controlled himself.

Yoongi clearly not liking him being questioning about his personal life, which Jimin noticed and mentally noted too.

" You didn't answer my question." Jimin commented back. He was curious, he knew Yoongi won't tell anyone but he was here to know the answer to his ' why ' cause either the reason will be nothing but then he won't react this way but if it because of Kai then he still cares.

" you won't be getting any either."

Jimin didn't say anything rather just stood silent across Yoongi, who was ready to leave the hall with Jimin behind.

" and remember you didn't ask me anything nor you know anything." he replied in the tone which he often use with Jimin, pretending that they didn't said anything till now but Jimin's curiosity took out the best of him to blunt out." why ? "

Yoongi was annoyed, he was really pissed at the stubborn behavior of the younger, even if he adore specially his behavior today was clearly not his natural one.

"Because I didn't question about the sweet time you spend with your so called friend even after knowing, you don't have one unless you want me to dig in." he replied with a glare.

' if only kai had just 1% of his brains.' Jimin thought controlling his smile but stopped when Yoongi step towards him placing the jug aside. He step closer but jimin didn't moved back nor flinch but he did clearly when heard his hoarse voice.

" No one questions me but you can because I let you but there is a line, don't cross that." he commented as he moved Jimin hair back from his face, making him flinch before giving a small smile " ever. again." and left, leaving Jimin behind amused. He lifted his finger wiping his forehead broke into a smirk.

" Damn."

Jimin was about to go his room. When he heard someone bickering, he followed the voice end up infront of the bar. The bar room, Jimin always wanted to go to that room but he just couldn't because once he is drank he just can't pretend to be good when he is not. Here he is today, standing outside the room listening to the person bickering.

Mafia's Destiny | Vmin | Version 1 Mafia's Destiny  | Taehyung•Jimin•JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now