It Was A Dream

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Chapter 22: Worrying about Him

" What you will do ? scream like the rest or shoot me for hiding our tracks from you all. Why you would do that because I didn't answer your calls. gre_ " Jimin was just blabbering his rage out expecting a punch to land in his cheek or getting yell till his eat bleed to death but Taehyung came close to him and hugged him tightly placed his head on Jimin's shoulder.

" Thank god. You are safe."  Taehyung stated as he let out a breath he was holding for hours at the thought of him being hurt in anyway possible to him.

He felt Jimin stiffed but didn't lose the grip even for once. As if he might lose the boy if he did so, he felt a weird certain feeling he always craved for, to feel comfortable, he was comfortable with him in his arms. He was happy with his life earlier too but the feeling he was experiencing now was different, this was the reason for his euphoria, which was in his arm, confused yet standing still for him.

" Taehyung, what are you- " Jimin try to pull back but Taehyung didn't wanted to end this so early, even if he sound weird but he was craving for it more.

" Just stay_" he whispered in a raspy voice " please." He completed with a plea, Jimin was confused but nodded however but not to hard to avoid to disturb Taehyung.

Jimin (POV)

why is everyone screaming at me, why is no one listening to me..


I heard Taehyung' voice, why does he sound like he will kill anyone if they question him. I don't want be the one to left alone with him. I looked at Jin hyung for help to not leave me but he lowed his gaze while bring pulled out by Namjoon not literally.

I turned to Taehyung, the look on his face was unreadable but was holding a lot which I couldn't ask, he didn't even listen and I know he never disrespect them.

He turned to face me, his eyes are red, what should I do. I am terrified, I started to  count last few second of my life as I notice he was carry a gun in his hand.

' wait why am I scared when I did nothing wrong !" I convinced myself to atleast not die like a coward but dumb.

" What you will do, scream like the rest or shoot me. Why you would do that because I didn't answer your calls or hide ny tracks- "


He hugged me and my heart started to beat really louder, I couldn't hear a word he said as he hugged me. I need to calm down

" Hey Heart l, don't beat that fast he will hear. I won't be able to control I got to do something."

I don't how long I try to convince my heart to calm down but failed. " Taehyung, what are you-" before I could pulled back, he cut me off and held me tighter.

" Just stay-" his whisper just send a weird feeling in me," _please " he completed.

I don't why I felt butterfly in me. I didn't know a please could make me feel that way. No, I think is just because of the cold weather yeah the weather.

" What is this sound ? Is his heart beating fast too."

The rhythm was so peaceful mush peaceful than the river, the night cold breeze, the beach way more peaceful than that.

Author's POV

Taehyung detached himself and moved to balcony, It was so called a balcony but was a terrace on its own. Maybe to calm himself from the overwhelming emotion, he just experienced and started to crave for it from the very next moment they detached, more than ever. Jimin remained standing the very same place he was pulled in a hug, he was trying understand what exactly just happened to him a few minute earlier.

Mafia's Destiny | Vmin | Version 1 Mafia's Destiny  | Taehyung•Jimin•JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now