Lavender Scent

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Chapter 34: My Small Bean

Jimin looked at him in the eyes saw a different kind of excited, he never noticed ever before. Something was different in him, in those eyes but why is he feeling this elation arising in him, awaiting for the next movement. Taehyung moved a bit closer.

"Can I ?" Jimin didn't move back as he was still in his thoughts. Taehyung decided to shoot his shot when he notice Jimin closing his eyes, biting his own lips in excitement, he shut his eyes. His lips were about to touch Jimin's.

" F*CK. Are you guys about to kiss ?"

The voice brought Jimin back to reality as he opened in eyes and pushed Taehyung back, who fell on the couch in shock of the sudden push.

" well, not anymore." sucks to be me

Taehyung got up from the couch, meeting the person who ruined the perfect moment he awaited since forever.


" That's was a great push u got there Buddy." The uninvited guest commented with a chuckle making his way to the kitchen.

" What are you doing here Viper ?" Taehyung hiss pinching the bridge of his nose. ' ruining the perfect moment I almost had.'

" No Reason." he shrug taking out a bottle of juice from the freeze. Taehyung open his mouth to say something but shut it, realising Jimin didn't say a word to Hoseok.

I can't believe I m gonna say this but thank god he came at the right moment Jimin thought to himself watching Hoseok looking around for something to eat in the kitchen, clearly unaware of the stares from the man beside.


" Stop yelling. Will you ? " Jimin said covering his ears.

" Why are you smiling at him ?" He asked, eyeing Jimin, who give him ' Are you kidding me.' look.

' Bitch when did I smile ' Jimin stared at him." Are you Dreaming ?"

" If you ain't smiling at him. You aren't bothered by him either. Look, he is in your apartment, say something." Taehyung pointed at Hoseok looking at Jimin, who is really not getting the point of him reacting that way.

My turn to make someone jealous now Hosoek thought to himself watching the ongoing conversation and beint Taehyung pissed.

" Cause this ain't my first time in here, earlier morning. Right Jimin baby." Hosoek replied mm, Jimin showed him middle finger.

" Seems like you had a bad morning. My grumpy baby." Hosoek moved towards Jimin, circling his arm around his shoulder.

" Aww !" He pinched his cheeks, who rolled his eyes at him as he pushed his hand away from his shoulder.

" Quit this act, before I kick your ass out all by myself." Jimin whisper to Hoseok.

" Don't you dare. I was asked to bring you with me to the mansion, since you won't pick our calls." Hoseok whispered back. Jimin cursed under his breath as he left to his room.

"Bitch, no wonder I hate him' Hosoek murmured to himself.

" But why am I getting goosebumps ?" Hosoek wondered looking around until he heard him say.

" Hoseok ~! " he turned around.

" Hoseok ~! " he turned around

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Mafia's Destiny | Vmin | Version 1 Mafia's Destiny  | Taehyung•Jimin•JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now