The Flashback I

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Chapter 08: The flashback I

" Is it angel " Taemin said removing his mask.

with that they both started laughing.


"what is with him?' Jimin mummer to himself.

" Ignore him, he is just stressed out !" Namjoon said to change the environment n what the rest again started with the gossiping.

" Guys, let me complete I had meeting their so after that I was leaving.... then with that jungkook explained the whole story of their earlier encounter to the rest.

" So Jimin, since you owe an apology to Taehyung, you have to do a work for- " Before Namjoon could even finish it, Jin smacked his back pretty hard.

" Why did you smack me ?"

" cause a dumbass like you deserve one. You are Namjoon right now, and  you are forgetting basic manner that is to introduced ourself to him." Jin said pointed at Jimin, who was quite amused to their relation.

"by the way I was being RM right now Jin." Namjoon replied rubbing the spot where Jin smacked him.

"Ignore him Jimin." Jin said making Namjoon pouted to which Jimin giggle.

"I am Jin, also Kate."

" He is Namjoon." said pointing at namjoon who was busy pouting, 
" Yoongi, who thinks you are sassy but hot."said pointing at Yoongi who was busy on his work.

" Ignore him, he love sleeping and a workaholic, there we have Hoseok." who was busy admiring Yoongi.

"lovestruck~" Jin mumble," leave him now, lastly He is Jungkook. Whom you have met already at that date."
He completed wiggling his brows at Jungkook and elbowed to Jimin to which Jimin agreed playing along with Jin making Jungkook chuckle but blush.

"Are you done Jinnie ?" Namjoon said annoyed by Jin's action and without noticing the nickname he used which made Jin turn to pink completely which didn't get unnoticed by Jimin.

"o...ohk fine" said Jin fanning himself with his hand to calm down.

(a/n; everyone is sitting in their places except namjoon n Jungkook who is still standing beside Jimin)

" Jimin, since you know that you owe an apology to Taehyung. So you have to do a work for us. " Namjoon said being very seriously.

"ohk Namjoonshi , what do I have to do ?"

" Take this. " Namjoon handed a file named Vin Zhang in bold caps to Jimin and Jungkook read the name too, it was the last meeting topic.

" hyung he isn't an easy-" Jungkook was cut off by Namjoon, " so ! of course it's not going to be easy to convince the mafia leader after disrespecting him. "Namjoon said clearly.

" but hyung he did-" Jungkook tried to protest

" Jungkook. Let's treat him like rest and you know yourself, we are doing a favour on him by not killing him instead giving him chance. " Yoongi rolled his eyes saying to Jungkook.

" yeah sure, may I know what you want me to do." Jimin asked them rolling his eyes back at Yoongi's comment.

" You see Jimin, it's not a difficult task you just have to bring him to us, how? is up to you. " Namjoon said signaling Jungkook to take his seat to which Jimin nodded in acceptance.


" Jimin you have to do that tomorrow and you are staying at mansion tonight. So tomorrow, we can send you to the place where you have to do you work."

"Ok namjoonshi but I have a doubt. " Jimin said turning around to only meet with Hoseok.

" I will send a person to you who will help you in this, he will be waiting in your room. meet you tomorrow till then bye " Hoseok pushed him out of the door lightly with a creepy smile and shut the door.

" Guys, why are we involving him ?" Jungkook asked the rest.

"Namjoon wants him in the gang with us as our Pretty Distraction and Taehyung wants him to prove him he is worth it." Hoseok said with a chuckle as if he said a joke himself.

"And he ready for it ?" Jungkook questioned. "Of course not ! Jungkook."

"then why are wasting his time." Jin said being annoyed at the foolish reasoning.

"If he is worth it then we will convince him." Namjoon replied without moving his gaze from the screen.

"Why are we giving him our important mission?" Jin asked being confused at the point of the situation.

"Mr. Kim Soekjin because if he did it it will enough to convince his worth." Hoseok said giving a judging look to Jin.

"but-" Jungkook was about say something when he got interrupted by someone.

" Why are being bothered Jungkook? do you like him?"

Everyone turned to the direction where the voice came from and see a Taehyung said their with a questionable look.

" That's not the point Tae !"

" You didn't answer my question kook ?" Taehyung said moving close to Jungkook.

"No I don't but-" before Jungkook can protested.

" That's it then let us see what he is capable of since RM said, he must have seen something in him."

"Fine, So who is up for poker" Jungkook said shake the bundle of case in his hand with a evil grin to which everyone join.


" How can he just closed the door on my face ?" Jimin said faking being hurt.

"Mr. Jimin !" Jimin turned smiling at Mr. Grayson.

"Uncle, I have told you a lot of time call me just Jimin." He received a nod. 

"OK Jimin, Mr.Kim have asked me to show you your room, please follow me."

They both started moving to the room, when they reached infront of the room.

" Every necessity is available in the room even your dinner and Sam will also be waiting in your room."

"who is Sam ?"

Mafia's Destiny | Vmin | Version 1 Mafia's Destiny  | Taehyung•Jimin•JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now