Some Enjoyment

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Chapter 06: Enjoyment

<At the Club>

I wish I would have checked first who I am tackling with before attacking, seriously if I would have seen that he is Jiwoo's brother. I wouldn't have attack him then neither, I would have been involve in the whole mafia scene.

"ARGH...." Jimin groaned as hit his head at the counter in the bar capturing the bartender's attention.

"Mr. here a tonic for you." The bartender said placing a cocktail glass in front of Jimin.

"Sorry but I didn't ask for anything." Jimin said with a awkward giggle.

"I know you didn't but I think you need this. It will refresh you." he gave a genuine smile "and it's on me. Have fun." and didn't left with giving a wink making Jimin giggle.

"Thank you, Mr. arr... Hey, I didn't get your name sweetheart." Jimin yelled to the bartender who was serving the others. He laughed at Jimin's natural flirty behaviour, coming back to Jimin.

"Mr. arr... my name is Taemin." He said mocking Jimin tone and extending his hand towards Jimin.

"haha very funny. It's not Mr.arrh but Jimin." Jimin said shaking taemin hand.

"I guess you are alone. I can give you company if u don't mind-"

" I glad but after I hit the dance floor. Who knows I might catch someone's attention." Jimin left passing a wink toward Taemin to which he replied by giving thumbs up to him.

Sweaty bodies filled with lust and alcohol moved around the dance floor. The people moved sensually- hips swinging and hand running over their curves, trying to lure in any potential prey. The only light in the room were the neon shades falling on  foreign faces. The only song you hear was the beat of the music on which Jimin was moving his body effortlessly enjoying the music catching every beat and every  predator's attention. Little did he know, someone in the private room was eye fucking him, eyeing every move of him, imaging marking every curve of him with his hands, lips and what not.

After hours of dance a sweaty body moving sassy back to the bar pushing the past bodies without allowing one to touching him after tempting them.

"Oh my, that was very hot, tempting and I am doubting you are loner." Taemin said handling a drink to Jimin.

"Exactly cause I am not after all, I have you to give me company sweetheart. " Jimin said gulping his drink in one go.

"Slow down Jimin but I guess am not worth your company." Taemin said taking a sip from his drink before Jimin could reply he was interrupted by a bold voice.

"Of course you are not." The man said.

"I didn't know angel started coming to clubs ?" The man said eyeing at Jimin from head to toe

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"I didn't know angel started coming to clubs ?" The man said eyeing at Jimin from head to toe.

"Oh really even I didn't know notice there were handsome faces in this club." Jimin replied to him.

"oh I am fluttered." The man replied.

" Don't be, I was talking about him." Jimin said looking at Taemin.

"You" the man said pointing at the bartender. "Get me a tonic."
(a/n: its a name of a refreshing cocktail)

" Yes, Mr. Vin Zhang." Taemin bowed and left both of them alone.

" And you, playing hard to get but you are worth it." Zhang said taking the shot from Jimin and gulped it.

"but you don't know what you are missing that can make u happy." he said pointing at his lap back to Jimin with a cocky smirking to which Jimin scoff.

"Oh really, what I am missing ? I guess about four inches." Jimin sassily replied to which Taemin laughed but Zhang's eyes spit fire.

"How dare say such a thing-.."

" you took seriously, chill out handsome, have a drink first." Jimin said handling the drink to Zhang taking it from Taemin.

"then how about u prove me wrong." Jimin whisper in his ear with a smirk.




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