All about Me in my DR and CR

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If anyone doesn't know what DR and CR Means: 

CR: Current Reality 

DR: Desired Reality 

My Name is Corinne in my DR and CR 

~I'm in Slytherin and I look the same in my DR and CR. The reason why is scripted myself  the same in my CR and DR is just because I didn't want to use a face claim. But im not one of those people that goes like "you shouldn't script yourself differently" I just feel like it works better for me if I script myself the same. 

I have straight black hair and dark brown eyes. 

~ I have no idea how to properly describe myself. But I get annoyed easily and I judge people pretty fast. I also don't like to talk that much but for some reason im always talking. 

~ I suck at math in my CR school but that's about the only subject that im not good at. 

~I love all Subjects at Hogwarts. I have pretty grades in my DR, except of in herbiology because I just don't understand it. I didn't script that I have good grades tho so if I fail or don't fail is completely up to me in my DR. My favorite Subject is Defense against the Dark arts, im invested in everything that has to do with Dark Magic smh.

Thank you for reading this btw 

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