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When i walked to the Slytherin Table for dinner everyone was actively talking. Yes ofc they alway talked. But they seemed like they were in a big discussion. But i just ignored it and sat down next to daphne and Lorenzo. „Heard about what happened?" Lorenzo asked kind of exited. „Mhm?" i replied eating trying not to talk. „Stiles and Astoria! Seems like they are immortal. There is rumors that Zagan already knows about it and is going to kidnap them!" he kept talking fast „I totally didn't notice that before. But they are so special. I think the rumors are true!"

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck. Tom. How did he manage to spread the rumors about Stiles and Astoria that fast? I didn't even completely agree to it.

„uhm yeah sorry i gotta go" i stuttered standing up castle and walking away. „But you didn't even eat everything!" Lorenzo shouted after me. I just ignored him and kept walking looking around. Where did Tom go? I didn't see him anywhere.

I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw it was Draco. „Watch out Princess" he said smirking. I would've punched him but i was busy searching for Tom so i just told him to fuck off and kept searching.

Maybe he didn't want to eat dinner and he is in his dorm. I should go look.

{Timeskip at The Boys dorms}

„What are you doing here?" a voice said behind me. I turned around and saw Stiles. „Searching for Tom" i replied annoyed. „Have you been crying?" i added looking at his red puffy eyes.

„Oh Tom. Yeah ofcourse. And no i haven't been crying" Stiles said giving me a quick look and then looking away.

He does look like he has been crying tho-

„Am i gonna die?" he mumbled looking down. I looked away to so i wouldn't make eye contact.

„I heard about the rumors.. and no you aren't going to die. Don't worry about it you will be fine" i said. I knew exactly that he wouldn't be fine.

„Corinne.. im not immortal. Believe me im not." he said while tears were in his eyes.

„Im sorry i dont believe you." i said still looking away. Stiles stepped back and said: „Then do it. Try to kill me. I will die. You will see that i AM mortal"

Well k hand me the knife

„You know im not going to try to kill you" i said instead.

There was just silence and untill Stiles said:

„You know im not immortal don't you?"

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