What happened

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"Ginny! Ginny wake up!" I said while shaking her shoulder.
Ginny yawned. "What? I wanna sleep" she said while she rubbed her eyes. Then she opened them and saw me.
"Corinne? What are you DOING here?" she asked surprises and didn't seem that tired suddenly.
"I don't know. I thought we could walk to eat breakfast togheter." i answered.
Ginny gave me a big smile. "Wait For real? So you don't wanna go with Pansy or Daphne or your other friends? And then ignore me like you always do?"
I looked at her surprised. "I never ignore you! And no I'm not gonna go to breakfast with them."
"How did you even get in here? And what about Draco? Is he ok now? I heard a spell went wrong and he got injured! And that he attempted to kill himself??" she asked fast.

My smile vanished real quick when she mentioned Draco. But then I forced my smile again in my Face. "How I got in here? You will never know." i replied laughing. "And i don't know about Draco. He didn't attempt to kill himself. He just wanted to. Besides, i don't really think we are in a Relationship anymore tho" i answered. 

 Ginny looked at me confused and asked carefully: "So you broke up?"

I just looked at her and said "No but i really want to break up with him. Now get dressed so be can go down to the Great Hall and eat breakfast."
Ginny just nodded confused and got out of her bed to her closet. 

"I'll wait for you outside alright?" I said while walking out.

I sighed when I was outside. I really didn't want to think about Draco or about what happened and what I had told him yesterday.

"Could you wait in the Gryffindor common room for me? I wanted to meet up with Harry there!" Ginny screamed from her Dorm. "Sure!" I said.

{Time Skip}
Actually I didn't want to wait for her in the Gryffindor common Room but here I was. Slowly I entered. It had a nice ambience actually. I've been here before but just for one short Time when I was searching for something.
"Oh, look who we have here sneaking around!" a Voice said laughing. I turned around and there was Fred. He was taller as I expected. Ngl I remember talking to him just once.
"Hello Fred" i just answered without any big interest. 

 "I see you have been stalking me. How comes you know my Name?" he asked with a smirk on his face.  Oh yeah, i had forgotten that he hadn't even told me his name last time we talked. 

"Don't flatter youself weasley. Ofcourse you've come to my attention. But that's just because you and your brother are alway getting in trouble. You guys are bullshit. Always thinking you are funny even tho you are not. " i frowned at my words. I had no Business being a bitch to Fred. The Weasley twins were the funniest people i had even met. 

When I saw Fred's smile dropping i just felt guilt.  

„I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. you guys are actually really funny." i added and put a little smile on my face. 

"Are you okay Corinne? You really switch up fast." he asked as his smile returned. 

"And then you are talking about how I know your Name?" I said smirking.

Fred realized then that he had said my Name and tried to explain himself: "Well uhm yeah  know your Name. Always walking around with that Pansy bitch. And the Ferret boy is your boyfriend isn't he?" he smirked. The ferret boy. Seriously, i was trying to hold back my laugh. 

Just when i was about to say something Fred started talking again.

"Hey i know it's maybe weird but do you want to hangout sometime? You seem quite interesting. And you look like you definitely need a good influence like me." Fred pointed at himself and I laughed blushing. 

Why tf did i blush tho. 

"Sure why not. But not because you are a good influence" I answered slightly laughing.

"Alright then, wanna meet tomorrow in the great Hall? At 5 pm? We could do something. I still have no Idea what but we will see." Fred said grinning.
"Sure. I'll be there" I said still not believing myself. Had he asked my on a date? Or did he actually just want to hangoutP 
"Alright then. Untill tomorrow!" said touching my arm and laughing. Then he left.

I- what did. just happen-

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